The Real Meaning of Halloween, Why is Magic Potent at Halloween?, Spells for Casting on Halloween, Black Cats – Good Luck or Bad Luck?, Things to do to Celebrate Halloween and Invoke the Magic!
Halloween (or "Samhain" as the Pagans would call it) has been celebrated
in Britain for centuries, but has taken off, particularly in the US, as
a family friendly festival incorporating a Trick or Treat escapade
where children dress up and pass around the neighborhood trading good
behaviour for a treat in the form of candy.
Halloween however, is
a very important date in the Pagan calendar, for it marks the Feast of
the Dead. Many Pagans also celebrate it as the old Celtic New Year.
to Pagan Celtic traditions, it was the time of year when the veils
between this world and the Otherworld were believed to be at their
thinnest. When the spirits of the dead could most readily mingle with
the living once again.
Although skeletal costumes and regalia
associated with ghouls, zombies and vampires are popular choices for
children terrifying neighborhoods throughout the western world, for
Pagans death is not a thing to be feared.
Rather, loved ones who
have recently died are remembered and their spirits often invited to
join the living in the celebratory feast. It is also a time at which
those born during the past year are formally welcomed into the
Death also symbolizes endings and Samhain is
therefore not only a time for reflecting on mortality, but also on the
passing of relationships, jobs and other significant changes in life. A
time for taking stock of the past and coming to terms with it, in order
to move on and look forward to the future.
So, Samhain is a time
to remember those who have left us. This is a time to remember our
ancestors, both ancient and wise. This is the time when the barriers
between our world and the next become blurred, and those from the other
side are free to visit our world, as well as guide us.
This is a
time for reflection, to look back over the past year. A time to come to
terms with the one great phenomenon of life in which we have no control
of - Death.
This is also a time to let old habits die and to
meditate on who we wish to become. The Winter months are months to muse
inward, seeking one's Self. Spend this time in your studies, calm
meditations and gentle reverie so that, come spring, you may rise
renewed, rejuvenated, fresh and whole.
Hallowe'en, as the traditional Celtic New Year's Eve, is the beginning
of the coming year and of the future. As such, the Horned or antlered
God, who in Celtic Tradition is viewed as the divine male principality,
being both equal and opposite to the Goddess, must depart the physical
world and reside in the land of spirits and waiting souls. Before
departing, this is the last opportunity he will have to perform this
greatest of all Magics. His departure at Halloween is very dramatic and
powerful as it opens the gates of the entire Netherworld for a brief
period thus rendering Samhain a period of awe for all who have the
senses to feel it.
Pagans use this time to tap into the Power
that is unleashed, greater than any other in the year, greater even than
the Blue Moon!
I have been celebrating Halloween, or Samhain, since I was a child, performing Magic and Casting Spells. This is your opportunity to benefit from my knowledge and understanding and have me Cast a powerful Spell for you, 3 times, on Halloween night, October 31st.
Numbers are limited, so follow the link now for details on how to order:
Halloween Spell Cast by Real Witch
Black cats are famous as the witch's loyal companion or familiar. As
such they often feature in Halloween symbolism. Many cultures around the
world regard Black Cats as lucky omens, while others avoid them like
the plague, fearing that if they cross your path, bad luck will befall
Which is it – lucky or unlucky?
Divination (or seeking knowledge about what the future holds) are
traditional at Samhain to foretell the coming year's, challenges and
gifts. At this time of the year those that seek to predict or foretell
the future are believed to be at their most accurate, as the veil
between worlds is so thin.
Divining by fire is popular and you
can use either a candle flame or a fireplace. If you use a candle, the color purple is a good choice. Light the candle and begin gazing at the
flame, quiet your breath and center your energies and body. Begin
playing with the flame mentally, establishing your connection.
the flame grow taller, flicker and flatten. Watch it wave wildly then
quiet it. Once you have your connection, unfocus your eyes slightly, and
ask a yes or no question. If the flame grows taller, your answer is
yes, if it flattens the answer is no.
Using your fireplace allows
you to see pictures in the dancing flames that answer your questions.
Again quieten your breathing and center yourself. Gaze into the flames
and slightly unfocus your eyes. Ask your question and watch the flames
play with each other as they form pictures and as the embers glow and
wink out forms and numbers to give you your answer.
There are things you can do to protect yourself at Halloween with great effect.
candles and place them in a safe place facing a window to protect your
home and light the way home spiritually for those you love who may be
far away. Burn from dusk until midnight on Halloween.
Place a clove of garlic on a west-facing window, saying: "May only good enter here."
the favorite foods, flowers and photographs of deceased family members
at the family hearth or a focal place in the home. Cook
great-grandmother’s favorite recipes and retell the family legends,
especially to younger members of the family.
Create eight holes
instead of a face around a pumpkin and place a candle inside. Peer
through each hole to see into other dimensions and receive wisdom.
Gaze into a fire or candle and allow images of past worlds and maybe past lives to emerge spontaneously.
I do hope you have a joyous Halloween and that you receive Peace and all you wish to have in your Life!
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