Are Black Cats Unlucky or Lucky?

Why are black cats unlucky? But are black cats lucky or unlucky? Here you'll find good luck and bad luck folklore superstitions about black cats.

Are black cats lucky or unlucky then? This is a question that has perplexed many people who study the cultures and folklore superstitions of differing traditions.

Are Black Cats Unlucky?

Black cat

It is believed that if a black cat crosses your path it is considered to be unlucky. If you see it from behind then further bad luck will befall you.

Many believe that if a black cat is seen at a funeral procession it can mean another imminent death will occur in the family.

It is considered a bad omen for a black cat to be in the presence of a sick person, as they are likely to die.

In Britain and Ireland the answer is a definite yes that they are lucky. They are seen as an extremely lucky omen and are welcomed as a sign of good luck to come.

In other countries and cultures the opposite belief is held and the black cat can be seen as incredibly unlucky.

Unfortunately black cats seem to have low adoption rates from animal shelters. And some black cats are destroyed because they cannot find a home. It is believed that potential adopters of cats think black cats are sly or sneaky.

I once adopted a beautiful jet black cat that I named Spider. He had green eyes and was friendly, loving and devoted. I loved that cat so much and the joy he brought to me and my family was priceless. So I urge anyone who wants to adopt a kitten or cat to go for a black one.

Are Black Cats Lucky?

In ancient times cats were animals to be revered and in Ancient Egypt the humble cat was worshipped as a sacred animal. The Romans also held the cat in high regard and introduced cats as pets throughout Europe.

But as Christianity spread throughout Europe and pagans, wise women and adherents to other belief systems were persecuted; the black cat also saw a downturn in its luck.

Vulnerable women became the easy target for religious fanatics who wanted a scapegoat to explain the woes of the world. During the Middle Ages they were accused of witchcraft and were the victims of torture, hanging, burning at the stake and drowning.

These same women often kept cats as companions. Cats, and in particularly black ones, (deemed the colour of evil) were seen as "Witch's Familiars" or partners in crime to the accused Witch, and the poor animal suffered similar fates to those of their mistresses. In Witch trials, ownership of a cat was taken as evidence of witchcraft and was all the proof needed to condemn both the woman and the cat to a terrible fate.

Many believed that witches could shape-shift into black cats up to nine times. The Witch in cat form could then go unnoticed in people’s homes and businesses and cast magic spells upon them.

If you think about the stereotypical image of a Witch, she often is accompanied by a black cat.

But the humble cat redeemed itself as controller of vermin during the Great Plague that swept throughout Europe. The cat, and in particular black ones, came to be seen as a very lucky omen.

Good luck superstitions surrounding the black cat sprung up. To have one as a ship's cat ensured the safety of the sailors on board. Similarly, wives of fishermen who kept cats that were black were assured the safe return of their husbands, despite often perilous sea conditions. Newly weds were often given a black cat to bring them luck for their future together.

Today the symbol of a black cat is often connected with the feast of Halloween and to the Wicca religion and is considered extremely good luck to have a black cat cross your path.

Increase Your Good Luck!

All black cats are lucky but the luckiest type is said to be female, completely jet black with black whiskers and green eyes. If you come across a cat such as this, repeat this rhyme and good luck is sure to come your way.

Dearest Queen I bid you good day
Bring me the best of luck and send it my way!

Have a Good Luck Spell Cast!

If you want to change your bad luck to good luck, then have a Good Luck Spell cast by me – Alizon. I am an experienced, expert White Witch and Spell caster and will use all my knowledge and expertise to cast your Good Luck Spell.

Powerful Good Luck Spell


Cast within 24 hours by Alizon, an experienced White Witch and Spell Caster.

A powerful Good Luck Spell Ritual to manifest money and wealth for you.
From $50


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In addition to Casting your Spell, I'll also Cast a FREE Aura Cleansing and Curse Removal Spell

This FREE Spell Ritual will help remove any negativity, Curse, Hex or other impediment that might have infected you and blocked or hindered your wishes, goals and happiness in the past.

Ridding negative energy is very important as it can be very damaging and toxic and cause all kinds of bad luck. It can prevent you living the kind of life that you most desire.

This FREE Spell will rid you of any curses, hexes, being the victim of the evil eye or general bad luck.

I will cast this FREE Spell on your behalf to clear any negative energies swiftly and allow the supportive influences and positive elements of your Spell to act very quickly and enables you to be open and ready to receive your desired outcome.

Are you Cursed with Bad Luck?

Whenever I Cast a Spell for someone, I also cast a FREE Aura Cleansing Spell, often referred to as a Curse Removal Spell.

Many who seek my help feel the weight of bad luck holding them back. They sense negative energy surrounding them, and some believe they're cursed. But fear not, my FREE Spell destroys that barrier and opens up the ability to receive blessings and good fortune.

There are two ominous reasons behind your continuous misfortune and bad luck, preventing you from living the life you desire. These are by having a curse placed upon you and/or having a weak or damaged Aura.

Being cursed, hexed or the victim of the Evil eye, Voodoo Magic, Black Magic or a Generational curse that is passed on through family ties will have serious consequences to your health, wealth and happiness, and your ability to achieve your goals.

Being cursed is the number one reason for continuous bad luck that plagues your life. Problems with money, sex, relationships and health can all be the result of a curse placed on you. And having a curse upon you will radically and drastically damage your Aura.

Have you a Weak or Damaged Aura?

Image of woman's head surrounded by a tainted Aura

Your Aura is of course the invisible energy field that surrounds and protects your body from negative energy, negative forces and negative entities.

Everyone is born with an Aura that is bright, vibrant and extremely protective. But overtime and due to stressful and sometimes traumatic events the Aura becomes weaker. It becomes dark, dull and ineffective when you experience emotions such as grief, fear, worry and anguish. Experiencing surgery, damage to bones or organs, illnesses, bacteria or viral infections, poor sleep, chronic pain, chronic fatigue and traumatic events also damage the integrity of your Aura.

Basically, the more historic stress and trauma you have suffered and the more anxiety and depression you experience, the more damaged your Aura becomes.  

A weakened Aura causes an immense amount of negative energy to damage your soul, heart and mind. Without intervention this naturally leads to a depressed spirit, which makes living a free and joyful life almost impossible. Your sleep patterns are affected and a decline in your health is inevitable.

Everything seems bleak to you and life is very difficult and stressful. Hypersensitivity to stress leads to an increase in anxiety and depression, which in turn causes immeasurable harmful emotions and negative energy.  This vicious cycle of stress, anxiety and depression leading to negative energy that further weakens your Aura needs to be broken. Your damaged and weakened Aura needs to be restored to a vibrant state. I can do this for you.

That is why with every Spell I cast I also perform a FREE Curse Removal Ritual and FREE Aura Cleansing. And this is why my Spells are so popular and successful.

This will allow you to be free from the bad luck, once and for all! You can begin to live the kind of life you have always wanted!

Positive energy is very important if you are to live an abundant and prosperous life and build up good karma. A great way to do this is by undertaking some charity work.

The NEW Moon is approaching!
Get your New Moon Spell for November 2024

A woman dressed in black casting spells at ther altar

A New Moon Spell That Works

Have a New Moon Spell cast by a real Witch on the upcoming New Moon. A New Moon Spell to manifest whatever you most desire!


Cast on the next New Moon by Alizon, an experienced White Witch and Spell Caster.

Don't miss out on the coming New Moon November 2024... Your chance to change your destiny:

You may want a New Moon Spell to:

  • Boost your Ancient Magical Chants
  • Attract a new love into your life
  • Begin a fresh start with an ex-lover
  • Success with any new project, enterprise or relationship

  • Commence a new career or business
  • Manifest a new period of abundant wealth and prosperity
  • Bring positive good luck for lottery wins and gambling
  • Or any positive purpose you may have

Alizon Psychic Reviews


Ali says
"Hello dear Alizon ☺️ I wish you a happy new year, good health and happiness for the future. I just have to thank you again for the Soulmate spell you performed for me, I finally met a wonderful girl and it's going so wonderfully between us, it can't be described in words, we want to get married next summer 😊 I think I owe it all to your magic. You are such a wonderful personality and a blessing to this world ✨ Light and Love from me"

Liz from the US says
"You cast a spell for me in August 2022 and I want to thank you for your sincere efforts on my behalf. The spell was very successful. I will use your services again. You help many people. Thank you again!"

Christine from Stamford, Connecticut, USA says
"Hi Alizon! Thank you for another GREAT Casino win! after casting me a Money Spell."

Thomas from Muir, Switzerland says
"You cast a Money Spell for me. My turnover increased 70% during the last three months! You helped me in a great way."

Terrence from Sacramento, California USA
"I wanted to thank you for the Money Spell you cast for me. I have seen immediate results and look forward to the continuous positive energy. Blessings to you."

Alexa Aurora, Colorado USA
"Hi! Again, thank you for all your work on the Money Spell. There have been amazing positive energies flowing around my finances already."

Judith from Wrexham, North Wales, UK
"I just wanted to thank you for casting the Full Moon Triple Cast Love Spell from the bottom of my heart. I know the full moon can be powerful but I didn’t expect such great results so soon."

Charles from Smithfield, Queensland, Australia "Thank you so much for the amazing and fantastic extreme success you had in the Return Lover Spell you did. Within 24hrs my ex contacted me and wanted to see me straight away. I could not believe it. It was amazing."

Lynne from Topeka, Kansas, USA
"You cast an Attraction Spell for me. It took several weeks to work, but when it did, it worked like ... well like magic! I have found the most wonderful, perfect, man in the world for me!"

Graham from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
"Just one word – UNBELIEVABLE!!! The reaction I got just days after you cast the Sex Spell was incredible."

Nina from Picton, NSW, Australia
"I just wanted to share with you the best news ever! Your Fertility Spell worked! I’ve waited so long for this to happen and I’m over the moon. Thank you so much Alizon."

Yvette from Singapore
"The Psychic Ability Spell you cast has begun to work. I can sense the connections with spirit much stronger than before. I have been more and more sensitive to other "beings" around me also."

David from Georgia, USA
"Just so you'll know I recently purchased a Reunite Spell from you. It worked!!! It had been two and a half months since I heard from my ex. Less than a week after your spell she reached out to me through Facebook."

Elpo from Middlesex, UK
" Dear Alizon, I don't know how to express my joy to you .... I can only wish all the best in your life and lots of blessings !! The Reunite Spell worked the same day, I am back on track with my lover."

Andrea from South Australia
" Just to let you know that I`ve got the job I wanted with the Prosperity Spell you did. Thank you very much. It is unbelievable."

Tiffany from Sarasota, Florida, USA
" I want to thank you for the Binding Spell you did for me. It brought ******* back to me! So thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!"

Julia from San Diego, USA
"I was so pleased with the Love Spell you cast for me last week! I had results the very next day. Thank you, blessed be."


I would like to thank you SO much again. You are so gifted and I'm lucky to have found you and receive your energy. I had instant results AGAIN with the Money Spell you cast for me!"

Leonora from Ottawa, Canada
"You cast a Fertility Spell for me and I had twins!"

Jessica from Northern Carolina, USA
"I ordered Custom Spell from you over 2 or 3 weeks ago and I would just like to share my success. A lot of things are opening up for me. Multiple job opportunities, I feel great, energized and my ex boyfriend and I are back together. Thanks again for your amazing work."

Cassandra from New South Wales, Australia
"Just to let you know that my lover and I have united and we are now a couple because of the Return Lover Spell you cast for me. And, thank you. We are a very connected pair, consider ourselves soul mates and through your help, are now together."

Louise from Sheffield, United Kingdom
"Everything is perfect with me and ****.The Commitment Spell you cast me he asked me to marry him the very next day! This is the happiest I’ve ever been."

Graham from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
< "Just one word – UNBELIEVABLE!!! The reaction I got just days after you cast the Sex Spell was incredible."

Sharon from Windsor, Pennsylvania USA
"Alizon - I wanted to let you know that there were serious signs of a commitment from ****** from the Commitment Spell you cast right away - the next day. Thank you for what you've done so for, many blessings and love to you."

Angie from Cornwall, UK
" Thank you for the first two spells that you cast for me, a Soul Mate Spell and a Success Spell - they have been very effective."

Richard, Reston, Virginia, USA
"Thank you! You did a Soul Mate Spell for me and within weeks, it quite an unusual way, I met my soulmate! I’ve never been happier."

Gurpreet from Birmingham, United Kingdom
"Hello Alizon, I just wanted to thank you for making my relationship possible! I had no idea that your Attraction Spell would work so fast! I am extremely grateful to you for making my muse into a reality. I can most definitely say I am the happiest girl on the planet right now!"

Shelley from Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada
"I cannot believe how different I am after you cast the Confidence Spell for me. I felt the positive energy straight away and am starting a course in self development. Thank you for guiding me."


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