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The question What is an Aura? is a common one, because it refers to a strange mysterious phenomenon apparently seen only by gifted psychics.
So, what is an Aura?
An Aura is a luminous energy field that surrounds everything but is seen more around people and animals and all living things. In humans it is similar to a Halo around the head or an Aureola surrounding the whole body as depicted in religious art.
Some gifted psychics and Intuitives can see clearly them surrounding people and animals. Others can sense or 'feel' them. They can present as coloured lights around a person or as an emotion you can sense.
The Aura colour can signify the health, mood, emotions, challenges and psychic sensitivities of people and animals. It can have many colours and is free flowing with many layers and is ever changing.
These layers intermingle and convey information through the seven chakra energy centres and to the external environment.
There are seven principle layers to an Aura which relate to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being of a person.
Vibrational energies of thoughts, emotions, wellness, spiritual awareness, and past experiences are held in the different layers.
I offer a Chakra Energising and Aura Cleansing Ritual to help you energise your chakras and cleanse any blemishes within your Aura that might be holding you back in living the type of life you want for yourself.
When you order a Chakra Energising and Aura Cleansing and send your details, I will contact you with details on how to send me a recent head and shoulders picture to enable me to detect what colour is dominant.
I can also check if it is tinged and tainted with deep and dark coloured streaks, blotches, shadows or patches. These unwanted blemishes can come from traumatic events in past lives or emotional, physical or mental pressures in a present life. This manifests itself as dark, dull colors.
I can detect these negative blemishes and use gentle but powerful Minoan Energy Healing to repair and heal it.
The Etheric Layer is the first and the easiest to see of the Layers. This Layer emanates a bluish white colour an inch or two outlining the body.
The Etheric Layer is connected to the Root Chakra and denotes the health and well being of the physical body.
Often, if this layer is damaged it indicates health issues relating to the immune system. Fatigue, sluggishness, insomnia and depression are all linked to this Etheric layer of the Aura.
The next Auric Layer is that of the Emotional Layer. This layer is connected to the Sacral Chakra and relates to emotions, feelings and experience.
The Emotional Layer is constantly changing. The changes are as a result of the constant changes in one's prevalent moods and emotions. However this Auric layer also stores up your past strong emotions, in particular, the painful and fearful ones.
The Emotional Layer emanates from one to six inches outwards from the body and can be characterised as various rainbow coloured clouds. This layer can also show up dark areas that are connected with blocked emotions.
The third Auric Layer is the Mental Layer which is connected with the Solar Plexus Chakra. This Auric layer relates to logic, intellect, ideas and consciousness. Mental health and mental issues are contained in this layer.
The Mental Layer emanates a bright yellow light from 3 to 8 inches around the head and shoulders and extends around the whole body. The intensity of the colour deepens when thinking and concentrating on mental tasks. Strong ideas and thought processes can appear as deeper and different coloured blobs.
Whereas the first three Auric Layers are concerned with the physical self, the fourth Auric Layer is the first that relates to spirituality.
The Astral Layer emanates clouds of beautiful multi colours eight to twelve inches away from the physical body. The Astral Layer is connected with the Heart Chakra and is concerned with love. This Auric Layer can be tinged with a rose pink colour, particularly when a person is well loved.
The fifth Aura Layer is the Spiritual Layer which emanates a light of brilliant blue similar to a grid-like blueprint or negative photograph one to two feet away from the physical body.
The Spiritual Layer is connected to the Throat Chakra and relates to vibration, communication and creativity. The Spiritual Layer holds higher consciousness and higher aspects of the will.
The Celestial Layer is connected to the Brow Chakra and emanates multicoloured pastel iridescent shimmering threads of light two to three feet away from the body. This layer relates to spiritual awareness, memories and dreams and reflects our subconscious mind.
The Celestial Layer is the emotional level of the spiritual plane and is where the physical mind comes to connection with the spiritual mind.
The Causal Layer is connected to the Crown Chakra and relates to the higher mind, connection with the divine and spiritual awareness. The Causal Layer extends three to five feet away from the physical body and emanates an egg shaped shimmering golden or brilliant white light.
Rather like an egg shell, this Auric layer protects and holds all other aura layers together.
Chakra Energizing and Aura Cleansing involves each of the 7 major Chakras being individually and powerfully energized.
Cast within 24 hours by Alizon, an experienced White Witch and Spell Caster.
A powerful Cleansing Ritual to purify and energize your Aura and Chakras to heal and protect your body and spirit.
CLICK HERE to send me your details
Within 24 hours I will email your detailed Aura Cleansing schedule and provide instructions on how to send me
your photograph to assess your Aura and connect you psychically.
When purchasing this service from me you are assumed to have read my Terms and Condition
The Chakras are the invisible cogwheels within our bodies that if kept open and free flowing keep us healthy and happy. When they are blocked problems will occur with mental, emotional and physical health. Free flowing Chakras help you to process the universal energies that are around your Aura and within you. An Aura is the luminous energy field that surrounds you.
We are born with a clear, bright, glowing and vibrant Aura which attracts positive energies to us and repels negative energies. Over time the Aura can get tinged and tainted with dark shadows or clouds attracting unwanted negative energies. This blemished Aura can leave you feeling stressed, tired, unbalanced, unhappy and depressed. It can also attract even more negative energies, negative and strained relationships, difficult and testing circumstances and general feelings of struggle and stress.
So we need both smooth running internal cogwheels (Chakras) for health and well being and a vibrant Aura containing many colors and many layers. These layers intermingle and convey information through the seven Chakra energy centers and to the external environment.
Have Your Aura Cleansed and Chakras Energized. Chakra Energizing and Aura Cleansing involves each of the 7 major Chakras being individually and powerfully energized.
Cast within 24 hours by Alizon, an experienced White Witch and Spell Caster.
A powerful Cleansing Ritual to purify and energize your Aura and Chakras to heal and protect your body and spirit.
CLICK HERE to send me your details
Within 24 hours I will email your detailed Aura Cleansing schedule and provide instructions on how to send me
your photograph to assess your Aura and connect you psychically.
When purchasing this service from me you are assumed to have read my Terms and Conditions
If you've tried to use the Law of Attraction methods to attract health, wealth and happiness toward you without success there could be a good reason for it.
It is most likely that either your Chakras are blocked via past
negative experiences, ill health, stress or worry or your Aura is
blemished, tainted or damaged via painful and fearful emotions.
of the future, feeling insecure and powerless are all negative emotions
associated with a life lacking direction, security and stability.
Blocked Chakras holding onto negative emotions will seep into your Aura
causing dark and negative energies to surround you.
And as the
Law of Attraction states 'like attracts like', so you are very unlikely
to attract the type of life you want for yourself without help.
you Aura Cleansed and Chakras Energized will dispel the negative
energies surrounding you and replace them with only positive energies
that are very attracting of positive people, experiences and
You will be sending out the powerful message that you want your desires to be fulfilled.
clear, bright and glowing Aura and free flowing Chakras are essential
in living a successful, fulfilling and happy life and is very
If you feel that the question What is an Aura? has been answered for you, always remember that, especially for the health of the Aura, positive energy is very important. A great way to do this is by undertaking some charity work.
Have a New Moon Spell cast by a real Witch on the upcoming New Moon. A New Moon Spell to manifest whatever you most desire!
Cast on the next New Moon by Alizon, an experienced White Witch and Spell Caster.
You may want a New Moon Spell to:
111 Ritual
222 Ritual
Attraction Spells
Love Spells
Money Spells
All Spells
Full Moon Spells
New Moon Spells
Sex Spells
Reunite Spells
Weight Loss Spells
Protection Spells
Commitment Spell
Complex Love
Soul Mate Spells
Success Spells
Fame & Fortune
Custom Spells
Ultimate Spell
The Ultimate Sacred Balance Spell
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The law requires me to state that the contents of this website are for entertainment purposes only.
Psychic, tarot and spell casting services cannot be a substitute for professional, legal, medical, financial or psychiatric advice/care, where appropriate.
You must be at least 18 years old to make any purchase from me.
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