The Moon is a powerful entity with a powerful influence on all life on Earth. Our closest planetary neighbour is primarily associated with the element of water and for good reason. The Moon has long been known to affect the oceanic tides, sometimes dramatically, which make up 70% of the earth. Our human bodies too, being made up of around 70% water, are also affected by the power of the Moon. Our emotions are most notably affected by the changes in the Moon phases.
You can order a Full Moon Spell anytime. Tap the button to learn
more. This Spell will be Cast on the evening of the next Full Moon.
This is the period when the Moon has reached its fullest capacity within
the sky. The powerful energy of the Moon is at it's greatest during the Full Moon phase.
This Spell is Cast during the New Moon Phase. This is the period when the light of the Moon disappears, and it appears that there's no Moon in the sky.
The Spells chosen for the New Moon be Spells to
symbolise changes within your life.
The period between the New Moon and Full Moon is called Waxing.
This is
the period when the Moon is growing larger in the sky, but hasn't yet
reached the Full Moon Phase and is a good time for Spells to be
performed related to positive change, luck, beginning new things and for
The time between the Full Moon and the New Moon is called Waning.
is the period when the Moon is decreasing in it's size and is a great
time for banishing and ridding negative energy and entities such as bad habits or
negative emotions.
A Full Moon occurs once every 28 days so we normally have thirteen a year, generally one a month, but when there is a month that contains a second Full Moon that Moon is called a Blue Moon. This happens rarely – hence the expression ‘Once every Blue Moon.’ So there are thirteen Full Moons, and hence thirteen Esbats.
Along with the significance of the Full Moon Esbats other phases of the Moon’s cycle are also of great value to Spell work. It is believed that the Moon has a very tangible effect on all of us, and as it travels the sky, going from new to full and back to new, it represents the Wheel turning, the circle of life continuing on from birth, through life, unto death, and finally rebirth. The differing phases of the Moon are more relevant for different Spell work, depending on what energies you wish to raise and what you would like to manifest.
The NEW Moon is approaching!
Get your New Moon Spell for January 2025
A New Moon Spell That Works
Have a New Moon Spell cast by a real Witch on the upcoming New Moon. A New Moon
Spell to manifest whatever you most desire!
Cast on the next
New Moon
by Alizon, an experienced White Witch and Spell Caster.
Don't miss out on the
coming New Moon January 2025.
Your chance to change your destiny:
You may want a New Moon Spell to:
- Boost your
Ancient Magical Chants
- Attract a new love into your life
- Begin a fresh start with an ex-lover
- Success with any new project, enterprise or relationship
- Commence a new career or business
- Manifest a new period of abundant wealth and prosperity
- Bring positive good luck for lottery wins and gambling
- Or any positive purpose you may have
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