Pisces and Capricorn Compatibility
Compatibility of the Zodiac for Pisces and Capricorn
Take a look at the Pisces and Capricorn compatibility love match in astrology.
Do Pisces and Capricorn make a good match?
In astrology as a Mutable sign, Pisces is said to indicate flexibility, adaptability and have good communication. Pisces have the ability to reinvent themselves, are able to accept change and are very resourceful. Add to this a nurturing and protective character, a developed intuition, intense sensitivity and understanding which come from the Element of Water and you have an adaptable and thoughtful personality.
In astrology as a Cardinal sign, Capricorn is said to indicate action, initiation and assertiveness. Capricorn likes to initiate and control their lives and their surroundings. They like to take the lead, are ambitious, creative and spontaneous. Add to this a practical nature, dependability and a grounded approach to life which comes from the Element of Earth and you have a practical, measured and ambitious personality.
Pisces is a Water sign. In astrology Water signs are known for their sensitivity and deeply felt emotions. They are generally very perceptive and use their strong intuition to guide them. They tend to have vivid imaginations and intense feelings. Although they like their alone time, they need the company of others to really thrive.
Capricorn is from the Element of Earth. In astrology Earth signs are often focused, driven and ambitious. Reaching goals, gaining respect and achieving are all very important to people from the Earth sign. Material wealth and possessions are also important to them, so they are often hard workers so they can earn enough money to live comfortably. But they are not entirely materialistic as they prefer natural environments to city life.
Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune and relates to imagination, fantasy and freedom. Those born under the influence of Neptune tend to want to escape from reality and are dreamers. Pisces also has strong connections to the planet Jupiter as its classical ruler. Jupiter’s influence adds optimism and openness to opportunity.
Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn and relates to tradition, authority and control. Those born under the rulership of Saturn tend to be serious and crave influence and authority.
Pisces and Capricorn Love Match
In astrology when a Mutable sign comes together with a Cardinal sign as with Pisces and Capricorn the likely tensions are usually concerned with commitment issues. Mutable signs value their independence and don’t like to be pinned down. Cardinal signs however insist on some form of commitment, even at the initial stages of a relationship.
When a Water sign comes together with an Earth sign as with Pisces with Capricorn it can be a very compatible relationship. Pisces can bring emotional fulfilment to Capricorn. This will help provide a satisfying emotional relationship, with physical pleasures combined with mutual respect. Capricorn can guide Pisces through the twists and turns of life.
Combining Pisces with Capricorn in a love match can sometimes be challenging. Both suffer with self esteem and insecurity issues but if they can support each other it can become a winning team.
When this pair partner together their different approaches to life can be balanced out by each other. With Capricorn being a realist and Pisces being a dreamer they can meet somewhere in between.
However to iron out any problems in this relationship I strongly recommend a COMPLEX LOVE SPELL, either as a completely new Spell or to enhance and boost a previous Love Spell.
Click this link below to find out more:
Complex Love Spell
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