Leo and Gemini Compatibility
Compatibility of the Zodiac for Leo and Gemini
Take a look at the Leo and Gemini compatibility love match in astrology.
Do Leo and Gemini make a good match?
In astrology as a Fixed sign, Leo is said to indicate stability, reliability and patience. Leo can be stable, dependable, patient and loyal. Add to this a passionate nature, strong leadership skills, a larger than life character and boundless enthusiasm which comes from the element of Fire and you have a vibrant and energetic personality.
In astrology as a Mutable sign, Gemini is said to indicate flexibility, adaptability and have good communication. Gemini have the ability to reinvent themselves, are able to accept change and are very resourceful. Add to this strong communication skills, a clever mind, vision and imagination which comes from the Element of Air and you have vivacious, spirited and creative personality.
Leo is a Fire sign. In astrology Fire signs can be impulsive, spontaneous and act on instinct. They love to experiment with new things and will try anything once. They tend to have warm and sunny characters and light up any room on entering. They have a lust for life and others can find this irresistible, motivating and inspirational.
Leo is ruled by the Sun which is related to the ego, confidence and self expression. Those born under the influence of the Sun are said to be positive, strong with the ability to illuminate and lighten their surroundings.
Leo is from the Element of Fire. In astrology Fire signs can be impulsive, spontaneous and act on instinct. They love to experiment with new things and will try anything once. They tend to have warm and sunny characters and light up any room on entering. They have a lust for life and others can find this irresistible, motivating and inspirational.
Gemini is from the Element of Air. In astrology Air signs tend to have a unique and often unusual perspective on the world. They use their head rather than their heart when making decisions and can be seen as logical and clear thinking. They often have brilliant ideas and an easy way of communicating them to others.
Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury which represents information, communication and commerce. Those born under the rulership of Mercury tend to be expressive in both written and verbal communication.
Leo and Gemini Love Match
In astrology when a Fixed sign comes together with a Mutable sign as with Leo with Gemini the problem areas usually revolve around flexibly, openness and adaptability. Fixed signs don’t see the need to change or adapt for anyone or anything, whereas Mutable signs can with ease adapt and change to the needs of a partner.
When a Fire sign comes together with an Air sign as with Leo and Gemini we see things can get out of control, with fanciful thinking and unrealistic dreams getting the better of reality and pragmatism. However, Leo is always inspiring, and can help Gemini focus on goals that are shared and compatible with their lives. Also, Gemini will put into words what Leo gets excited about. Together, Leo and Gemini can make a great team and will have no problems entertaining each other.
Combining Leo with Gemini in a love match can be a good pairing as both share an outgoing, gregarious personality. They both are willing and able to communicate with one another and both share a love of entertainment, fun and laughter.
However to iron out any problems in this relationship I strongly recommend a COMPLEX LOVE SPELL, either as a completely new Spell or to enhance and boost a previous Love Spell.
Click this link below to find out more:
Complex Love Spell
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