Leo and Aries Compatibility
Compatibility of the Zodiac for Leo and Aries
Take a look at the Leo and Aries compatibility love match in astrology.
Do Leo and Aries make a good match?
In astrology as a Fixed sign, Leo is said to indicate stability, reliability and patience. Leo can be stable, dependable, patient and loyal. Add to this a passionate nature, strong leadership skills, a larger than life character and boundless enthusiasm which comes from the element of Fire and you have a vibrant and energetic personality.
In astrology as a Cardinal sign, Aries is said to indicate action, initiation and assertiveness. Aries likes to initiate and control their lives and their surroundings. They like to take the lead, are ambitious, creative and spontaneous.
Both Leo and Aries are Fire signs. In astrology Fire signs can be impulsive, spontaneous and act on instinct. They love to experiment with new things and will try anything once. They tend to have warm and sunny characters and light up any room on entering. They have a lust for life and others can find this irresistible, motivating and inspirational.
Leo is ruled by the Sun which is related to the ego, confidence and self expression. Those born under the influence of the Sun are said to be positive, strong with the ability to illuminate and lighten their surroundings.
Aries is ruled by the planet Mars which is both energetic and aggressive. Action and movement are key characteristics of Mars and those born under its rulership tend to be assertive and intense with simmering tempers.
Leo and Aries Love Match
In astrology when a Fixed sign comes together with a Cardinal sign as with Leo with Aries there could be problems. This is because Cardinals and Fixed signs both believe they are always right and find it hard to concede.
When a Fire sign comes together with another Fire sign as with Leo with Aries they obviously share the same positive energy and their passion and enthusiasm are almost unstoppable. This energetic force can lead to problems of burn out and over excitement with both wanting their own way.
Bring Fire to Fire and you get more heat! Flames lick to ever greater heights are one tries to reach higher than the other. This dramatic contest can wear each Fire sign out, becoming dark and destructive. It's important to encourage and inspire each other otherwise it can get heated!
Combining Leo with Aries in a love match can make for a fiery and passionate relationship. When this pair partner together sparks can fly. But with care and consideration – not that easy for both of these signs - a love can grow, smolder with passion and be long lasting and never burn out. There is always mutual respect and admiration between these two and with a little give and take they can make a great team.
However to iron out any problems in this relationship I strongly recommend a COMPLEX LOVE SPELL, either as a completely new Spell or to enhance and boost a previous Love Spell.
Click this link below to find out more:
Complex Love Spell
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