This page was created for
members of the Green Witches Coven. If you are a already a member of the
Coven then please enjoy this page. If you are not yet a member of the
Green Witches Coven but would like to be then please join, then go HERE.
These Essential Tips for Casting Spells provide valuable insights into the practice
of specific spells within the Green Witches Coven. Step Eleven covers guidance on casting spells for
various purposes, such as prosperity, banishing negativity, committed
love, and inspiration.
Each spell is meticulously detailed, outlining
the tools and ingredients required, the steps to follow, and the
intentions behind the spellcasting process. From drawing prosperity to
banishing negative energies and fostering committed love, these spells
are designed to empower practitioners in manifesting their desires while
adhering to the principles of harm to none.
This Guide serves as a comprehensive
resource for Spell Casting Practitioners seeking to delve into the realm of spellcasting
with a focus on positive intentions and ethical practices.
Whether you are a novice or an
experienced practitioner, exploring these spells can deepen your
understanding of witchcraft, enhance your magical skills, and guide you
towards manifesting your intentions with clarity and purpose.
Essential Tips
For Casting Spells Essential and Optional Ingredients and Correspondences
Dried herbs
Large altar candle
Small candles various colors
Essential oils
A small container to hold salt
A small dish or bowl to hold water
Other small easily available household items
Amethyst Cluster Crystal
Altar cloths or squares of beautiful material
Tarot Pack o o o
Adopt the same process discussed in Step Ten Spell Casting for each of the following Spells.
Casting a Prosperity Spell with Essential Tips
See the essential tips for Spell Casting below.
This Prosperity Spell will help to draw to you prosperity and wealth. You can cast this Spell on the New Moon.
1. Prepare your tools & ingredients on your Altar
Dried Sage in a flameproof dish
An altar candle
A small container to hold salt
A small dish or bowl to hold water
A tall green candle with holder
A copper coin
More Dried Sage
can also add green crystals such as aventurine and the Tarot card of
the Magician, the Wheel of Fortune and the Sun to your Altar.
2. Before you commence
Ignite the dried Sage so it emits smoke
Light your altar candle
3. Create your Sacred Space & Circle
4. Call upon the Elements
5. Raise energy
6. Recite your Spell
your name onto the green candle with the edge of the coin. Set the
candle in a holder at the centre of your altar. Light the candle.
Scatter the dried sage around the lighted candle.
7. Say 3 times aloud:
‘Grant to me my wish I make With harm to none for my sake Prosperity and wealth bring henceforth to me With blessings that I will surely see So mote it be’
8. Release energy
9. Ground yourself
Essential Tips
For Spell Casting Prosperity Spells
Here are some special, unique, and invaluable tips to intersperse into your narrative for the Prosperity Spell casting to enhance its effectiveness and enrich the overall experience:
Timing Your Spell: Cast your spell precisely as the New Moon transitions to a waxing phase to maximize the growing energy, symbolizing increasing wealth and prosperity.
Enhancing Your Altar Tools: When preparing your altar, consider aligning your tools to face North, the direction traditionally associated with prosperity and stability in many magical traditions.
Using the Copper Coin: Before using the copper coin in your spell, hold it in your dominant hand and visualize your financial goals. Copper is a conductor of energy, making it ideal for directing your intentions into the universe.
Tarot Card Energies: Position the Tarot cards on your altar in a way that they visually represent a flow towards you, suggesting the drawing in of prosperity. This can be a powerful visual cue in your ritual.
Sage Smudging: As you smudge with dried Sage, consciously move in a clockwise direction, which is traditionally used to attract things to you. Imagine the smoke lifting away obstacles to your prosperity.
Candle Carving Technique: While engraving your name on the green candle, also consider carving symbols of wealth such as the rune Fehu or a simple dollar sign to further align the candle’s energy with your intentions.
Candle Gazing: During the candle burning, practice a few moments of candle gazing. Focus on the flame and visualize your life after your desires have manifested. This acts as a powerful method of focusing your intention.
Chanting With Conviction: When you recite your spell, use a firm and confident tone to declare your intentions to the universe. The power of your voice can help to solidify your desires.
Sage Circle: As you scatter the dried Sage around the candle, do so in a complete circle which helps in creating a boundary that protects and holds the spell's energy, ensuring it is directed towards your intended outcome.
Post-Spell Reflection: After grounding yourself, spend a few moments in reflection or journaling about the spell you have just performed. Acknowledge any insights or feelings that arose during the ritual, reinforcing your connection to the work done and its outcome.
By adding these detailed actions and intentions, your Prosperity Spell will not only be a ritual but a powerful act of magic that is deeply personalized and charged with specific energy aimed at manifesting your desires.
Casting a Banishing Spell with Essential Tips
See the essential tips for Spell Casting below.
This Banishing Spell is cast for banishing and ridding negative entities such as bad habits or negative emotions. This Banishing Spell should be cast on the Waning Moon phase.
1. Prepare your tools & ingredients on your Altar
A mixture of dried Sage, dried Lavender, dried Thyme, dried Rosemary & dried Bay Laurel in a flameproof dish
An altar candle
A small container to hold salt
A small dish or bowl to hold water
A tall white candle in holder
Juniper oil
Lavender oil
You can also add clear quartz crystals and the Tarot card of the Fool and the World to your Altar.
2. Before you commence
Blend two drops each of the Juniper oil and Lavender oil with a small amount of carrier oil. Ignite the dried herbs in the flameproof dish so they emit smoke. Light your altar candle
Anoint your tall white candle with the blended oil by carefully and purposefully rubbing the oil all over the candle
3. Create your Sacred Space & Circle
4. Call upon the elements
5. Raise energy
6. Recite your Spell
Silently communicate all your problems that you experience in all aspects of your life, any addictions or bad habits, your relationships with family and friends, your finances, your health, your love life, your career, or the way you spend your time. Concentrate briefly on all the negatives you currently have in your life. When you can think of nothing else, light your tall anointed white candle and say 3 times aloud:
‘I charge thee now with magical light By the Waning Moon of the night take all negativity from me So mote it be’
7. Release energy
8. Ground yourself
Essential Tips
For Spell Casting Banishing Spells
This Banishing Spell is cast for banishing and ridding negative entities such as bad habits or negative emotions. This Banishing Spell should be cast on the Waning Moon phase to harness its natural energy for release and transformation.
1. Prepare your tools & ingredients on your Altar
A mixture of dried Sage, dried Lavender, dried Thyme, dried Rosemary & dried Bay Laurel in a flameproof dish: These herbs are powerful cleansers, each contributing unique properties. Sage purifies, Lavender calms, Thyme protects, Rosemary heals, and Bay Laurel brings clarity.
An altar candle: Symbolizes the presence of divine light.
A small container to hold salt: Salt is a powerful agent for grounding and protection.
A small dish or bowl to hold water: Water represents the cleansing and emotional aspect of the ritual.
A tall white candle in holder: White signifies purity and the dispelling of negative energy.
Juniper oil: Known for its protective qualities.
Lavender oil: Adds a layer of peace and relaxation.
Additional Elements:
Clear quartz crystals: Amplify the energy and intentions of your spell.
The Tarot card of the Fool: Represents new beginnings and infinite potential.
The Tarot card of the World: Symbolizes completion and the fulfillment of your desires.
2. Before you commence
Blend two drops each of the Juniper oil and Lavender oil with a small amount of carrier oil. This combination not only protects but also soothes the spirit.
Ignite the dried herbs in the flameproof dish so they emit smoke. Smudging is a traditional method to cleanse the space and oneself.
Light your altar candle to signify the start of your ritual and to invite the presence of the divine.
Anoint your tall white candle with the blended oil by carefully and purposefully rubbing the oil all over the candle. This act infuses the candle with your intention and the protective, calming properties of the oils.
3. Create your Sacred Space & Circle
Visualize a protective circle around you, your altar, and your space. This circle will contain the energy you raise and keep out any unwanted influences.
4. Call upon the elements
Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. Each element brings its own strength and support. Call upon them with gratitude and respect, asking them to assist you in your banishing work.
5. Raise energy
Dance, chant, drum, or visualize light filling your body and space. Feel the energy growing within and around you, knowing that this power is under your control and will be directed toward your purpose.
6. Recite your Spell
Silently communicate all your problems that you experience in all aspects of your life, any addictions or bad habits, your relationships with family and friends, your finances, your health, your love life, your career, or the way you spend your time. This is a time of deep introspection. Allow yourself to feel and acknowledge each issue without judgment.
7. Release energy
Allow the energy you've raised to flow out into the universe, carrying your intentions with it. Trust that it will be received and acted upon.
8. Ground yourself
Eat something, touch the earth, or hold a grounding crystal: This will help you return to your everyday state, ensuring that the energy you’ve raised doesn’t leave you feeling scattered or unbalanced.
Casting a Committed Love Spell with Essential Tips
See the essential tips for Spell Casting below.
This Committed Love Spell is aimed to gain commitment, faithfulness and a loving and lasting relationship.
This Love spell should preferably cast on the evening of a full moon.
1. Prepare your tools & ingredients on your Altar
Dried Dittany of Crete in flameproof dish
A large white altar candle
A small container to hold salt
A small dish or bowl to hold water
A tall pink candle with holder
Diktamos Oil
Chaste Oil
Dried Basil
You can also add rose quartz crystals and the Tarot card of the Lovers and the Star to your Altar, along with any representatives of you and your lover eg a photograph or love token.
2. Before you commence
Blend two drops each of the Diktamos oil and Chaste oil with a small amount of carrier oil Ignite the Dried Dittany of Crete so it emits smoke Light your altar candle
3. Create your Sacred Space & Circle
4. Call upon the elements
5. Raise energy
6. Recite your Spell
Anoint your tall pink candle with the blended oil by carefully and purposefully rubbing the oil all over the candle. Think of your lover as you gently rub the oil into the wax until the candle is covered and evenly scented. Set the candle in a holder at the center of your altar. Light the candle. Scatter the dried basil around the lighted candle.
Say the following rhyme 3 times aloud :
‘Grant to me my wish I make Of love to give and love to take Equal and fair bring henceforth to me Committed love to share So mote it be’
7. Release energy
8. Ground yourself
Essential Tips
For Casting Committed Love Spells
This Committed Love Spell is aimed at gaining commitment, faithfulness, and a loving and lasting relationship. This Love Spell should preferably be cast on the evening of a full moon to harness its powerful energy for attraction and emotional fulfillment.
Prepare your tools & ingredients on your Altar:
Dried Dittany of Crete in a flameproof dish: Known for its magical properties in love spells, it aids in manifesting your desires.
A large white altar candle: Represents purity and the divine.
A small container to hold salt: For grounding and protection.
A small dish or bowl to hold water: Symbolizes the emotional and intuitive aspects of your ritual.
A tall pink candle with holder: Pink signifies love, romance, and emotional healing.
Diktamos Oil: Known for its potent properties in love magic.
Chaste Oil: Enhances fidelity and commitment.
Dried Basil: Associated with love, harmony, and protection.
Additional Elements:
Rose quartz crystals: Amplify love and emotional healing.
The Tarot card of the Lovers: Represents harmony, partnership, and attraction.
The Tarot card of the Star: Symbolizes hope, inspiration, and a bright future.
Representatives of you and your lover: Such as a photograph or love token to personalize your spell.
Before you commence:
Blend two drops each of the Diktamos oil (or other aromatic herbal oil) and Chaste oil with a small amount of carrier oil. This combination will enhance the energies of love and commitment.
Ignite the Dried Dittany of Crete so it emits smoke. This will purify your space and attract loving energies.
Light your altar candle to signify the start of your ritual and invite the presence of the divine.
Create your Sacred Space & Circle:
Visualize a protective circle around you and your altar, ensuring that your space is sacred and secure.
Call upon the elements:
Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit: Each element brings its own unique energy to your ritual. Invite them with respect and gratitude.
Raise energy:
Dance, chant, drum, or visualize light filling your body and space: Feel the energy building within you and around you, ready to be directed towards your intention.
Recite your Spell:
Anoint your tall pink candle with the blended oil by carefully and purposefully rubbing the oil all over the candle. As you do this, think of your lover and the love you share. Visualize your relationship growing stronger and more committed with each stroke.
Set the candle in a holder at the center of your altar and light it. Scatter the dried basil around the lighted candle, symbolizing the growth and harmony in your relationship.
Release energy:
Allow the energy you’ve raised to flow out into the universe, carrying your intentions with it. Trust that it will be received and acted upon.
Ground yourself:
Eat something, touch the earth, or hold a grounding crystal: This will help you return to your everyday state, ensuring that the energy you’ve raised doesn’t leave you feeling scattered or unbalanced.
Unique and Invaluable Tips:
Express Gratitude: Once you have grounded yourself, take a moment to express gratitude to the elements, the divine, and any spirits or deities you called upon. This reinforces your connection and respect for the energies you've worked with.
Document Your Experience: Keep a journal to document your spellcasting experience, including any feelings, visions, or signs you received during the ritual. This can help you track the spell's effectiveness and provide insights for future rituals.
Keep Your Altar Clean: After your spell, clean and rearrange your altar. This shows respect for your tools and space, keeping the energy clear for future workings.
Follow-Up Action: Consider taking mundane steps to support your spell. For example, communicate openly with your partner, plan a special date, or engage in activities that strengthen your bond. Magic works best when combined with practical efforts.
Use Affirmations: In the days following your spell, use affirmations to reinforce your intentions. For example, "I am worthy of a committed, loving relationship" or "Our love grows stronger each day."
By incorporating these tips, you can deepen the effectiveness of your spell and create a more immersive and powerful ritual experience.
Essential Tips for Casting Spells Inspiration Spell
See the essential tips for Spell Casting below.
This Inspiration Spell is designed to inspire, motivate and direct your energies to new exciting ventures, projects and goals utilizing all your existing skills and talents fully.
This Inspiration Spell should be cast on the Waxing Moon phase.
Prepare your tools & ingredients on your Altar
Dried Lavender,dried Chamomile, dried Thyme and dried Rosemary in a flameproof dish
An altar candle
A tall yellow candle with holder
Four objects connected with your skills or successes
You can also add yellow crystals such as yellow jasper and amber and the Tarot card of the Magician and the Sun to your Altar.
Before you commence
Ignite the dried herbs in the flameproof dish so they emit smoke. Light your altar candle. Place your four objects on your altar.
Create your Sacred Space & Circle
Call upon the Elements
Raise energy
Recite your Spell
Set the tall yellow candle in a holder at the center of your altar. Light the candle. Hold the first of your success objects and silently explain what it is and how it represents a success or skill in your life. Repeat this with the remaining 3 items.
Visualize the element of Air and look towards your burning lavender and inhale deeply and say:
‘I have the power of Air’
Visualize the element of Fire and look towards your altar candle, feel the heat from the candle on your hands and say:
‘I have the power of Fire’
Visualize the element of Water and look towards your bowl of water and run your fingers through the water and say:
‘I have the power of Water’
Visualize the element of Earth and look towards your container of salt and touch the salt and say:
‘I have the power of Earth’
Look toward your four success objects and focus on all that you have achieved in your life so far: the obstacles you have overcome, the successes you have gained, the challenges you have taken on.
Say 3 times aloud:
‘The power of Earth, Air, Water and Fire Combine within me now to inspire Success in all that I choose to do My hopes and dreams and wishes too Bring henceforth to me So mote it be’
Release energy
Ground yourself
Essential Tips
For Casting Inspiration Spells
This Inspiration Spell is designed to inspire, motivate, and direct your energies to new exciting ventures, projects, and goals utilizing all your existing skills and talents fully. This Inspiration Spell should be cast on the Waxing Moon phase to harness its energy for growth and creativity.
Prepare your tools & ingredients on your Altar:
Dried Lavender, dried Chamomile, dried Thyme, and dried Rosemary in a flameproof dish: These herbs bring calm, clarity, courage, and mental strength.
An altar candle: Symbolizes the presence of divine light and guidance.
A tall yellow candle with holder: Yellow represents creativity, inspiration, and mental clarity.
Four objects connected with your skills or successes: These personal items anchor your spell in your real-life achievements and potential.
Additional Elements:Yellow crystals such as yellow jasper and amber: Amplify creative energy and inspiration.The Tarot card of the Magician: Represents skill, resourcefulness, and manifesting your desires.The Tarot card of the Sun: Symbolizes success, vitality, and positivity.
Before you commence:
Ignite the dried herbs in the flameproof dish so they emit smoke. The fragrant smoke will clear the space and stimulate your mind.
Light your altar candle to signify the start of your ritual and invite the presence of divine inspiration.
Place your four objects on your altar to represent your skills and successes.
Create your Sacred Space & Circle:
Visualize a protective circle around you and your altar, ensuring that your space is sacred and secure.
Call upon the Elements:
Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit: Each element brings its own unique energy to your ritual. Invite them with respect and gratitude.
Raise energy:
Dance, chant, drum, or visualize light filling your body and space: Feel the energy building within you and around you, ready to be directed towards your intention.
Release energy:
Allow the energy you’ve raised to flow out into the universe, carrying your intentions with it. Trust that it will be received and acted upon.
Ground yourself:
Eat something, touch the earth, or hold a grounding crystal: This will help you return to your everyday state, ensuring that the energy you’ve raised doesn’t leave you feeling scattered or unbalanced.
Unique and Invaluable Tips:
Express Gratitude: Once you have grounded yourself, take a moment to express gratitude to the elements, the divine, and any spirits or deities you called upon. This reinforces your connection and respect for the energies you've worked with.
Document Your Experience: Keep a journal to document your spellcasting experience, including any feelings, visions, or signs you received during the ritual. This can help you track the spell's effectiveness and provide insights for future rituals.
Create an Inspiration Board: After your spell, create a visual board with images, words, and symbols that represent your goals and dreams. Place it somewhere you will see daily to keep your intentions alive.
Affirmations: In the days following your spell, use affirmations to reinforce your intentions. For example, "I am inspired and motivated" or "Creativity flows effortlessly through me."
Perform Regular Check-ins: Periodically review your goals and progress. Celebrate small victories and adjust your plans as needed to stay aligned with your inspiration and motivation.
Completing Step Eleven of the Green Witches Coven Essential Tips for Casting Spells
For completion of Step Eleven: Essential Tips for Casting Spells, practice casting at least one of the above Spells.
Document your experience in your Journal.
Order Your Coven Spell
I've lowered the cost of this Special Powerful Spell and it's only available to Coven members at this special low price.
is my lowest priced Spell ever, although still as powerful as my full
priced Spells.
I use an ancient formula in this Coven Spell to truly enhance the positive energies of Mother Nature and the Universe.
You can have this Spell Cast to:
Attract Love, Money and Success
Attract Money and Wealth
Reunite with an Ex-Lover
It will also deepen your connection with the Craft and enhance
your understanding of the mysteries of Witchcraft, supporting your magical growth.
Coven Spell $30.00
After you click/tap "Buy Now" and make payment, simply enter and submit your details below on my Instant Buy Spell Form.
After ordering and supplying details I'll email you a full account of the Spell I will cast on your behalf.
AFTER YOU HAVE PAID Click Here to send me your details
I will need your full name and date of birth
Within 24 hours I will email you with confirmation and more details
When purchasing this service from me you are assumed to have read my Terms and Conditions
Creating positive energy is very important if you are to live an abundant and prosperous life and build up good karma. A great way to do this is by undertaking some charity work.
The NEW Moon is approaching! Get your New Moon Spell for January 2025
A New Moon Spell That Works
Have a New Moon Spell cast by a real Witch on the upcoming New Moon. A New Moon
Spell to manifest whatever you most desire!
Cast on the next
New Moon
by Alizon, an experienced White Witch and Spell Caster.
The law requires me to state that the contents of this website are for entertainment purposes only.
Psychic, tarot and spell casting services cannot be a substitute for professional, legal, medical, financial or psychiatric advice/care, where appropriate.
You must be at least 18 years old to make any purchase from me.