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Welcome to this Chakra Energy Healing Guide.
Chakra is a Sanskrit word and means "wheel". The Chakras are the invisible cogwheels within our bodies that if kept open and free flowing keep us healthy. They help us to process the universal energies that are around our aura and within us.
There are seven major energy centers in our body and they directly correlate with our physical body. They are stacked together in a central column from the crown of your head to the base of your spine. When a Chakra becomes blocked an imbalance occurs. If it is not cleared then our physical and emotional health can be affected.
Balance is what we should all be aiming for with all our Chakras open and free flowing with the ‘cogwheels’ working in harmony.
For example, people who consume a bad diet with lots of processed or junk food and don't exercise tend to have a listless Root Chakra that is dull and darkened.
Similarly if someone hides their true feelings and bottles up their emotions, their Heart Chakra is likely to become blocked. Skeptical people often shut off their Crown Chakra by refusing to accept their psychic power.
The aim, of course, is to have a healthy mind, body, and soul with a completely balanced and open energy system. The more balanced and open the Chakras, the more energy can flow through the system, nourishing every aspect of your being. A balanced Chakra system is key to experiencing optimal physical health, emotional stability, and spiritual well-being.
Each single Chakra relates to a unique part of your being and has a distinct colour, resonating with specific aspects of your mental, physical, and spiritual energy. By understanding the unique properties of each Chakra, you can begin to recognize areas in your life where energy may be blocked or imbalanced.
For those seeking a deeper understanding of this transformative practice, This Chakra Energy Healing Guide will provide invaluable insights into identifying blockages, balancing your energy, and aligning your Chakras for overall harmony.
If you’re ready to take your Chakra journey further, you can get a Chakra Energizing and Aura Cleansing from me. This personalized process works to clear and energize your Chakras while cleansing your Aura, promoting a renewed sense of balance and vitality. Let’s work together to unlock your full potential and help you achieve a harmonious energy system.
The Crown Chakra does not have a corresponding bodily organ but is related to the whole being. This relates to your personal and spiritual connection to the Universe and can assist you to create a link to your spirit guides and higher self.
The Crown Chakra can work with all issues that affect us on a spiritual level and blends it with our earthly personalities.
seventh Chakra, Sahasrara or Crown Chakra is associated with the colour
Purple or Violet, which is the colour of inner-power. Amethyst is a
crystal gemstone that corresponds with this Chakra. >>>Read More
The Third Eye (Brow) Chakra belongs to the brain, face, nose, eyes etc. This is the centre of intuition and awareness. The Third Eye Chakra can affect dreams, imagination, concentration, intuition, wisdom and the intuitive ability of clairvoyance. It can allow clear Psychic perception with accurate interpretation.
The sixth Chakra, Ajna or Third Eye Chakra is associated with the colour of Indigo and represents a positive outlook and bringer of inner strength.
It aids concentration and the ability to focus. Azurite is a crystal gemstone that corresponds with this Chakra >>>Read More
The Throat Chakra relates to the lungs and the throat. It is linked to creativity and communication. It is known to improve the intuitive ability of clairaudience (hearing Spirit), and with hearing sounds, music, and with taste and smell.
The fifth Chakra, Vissudha or Throat Chakra is associated with the colour Blue and represents harmony, peace and calm and helps with communicating all thoughts, feelings and ideas.
Angelite is a crystal gemstone that corresponds with this Chakra >>>Read More
As your heart and emotion centre, the Heart Chakra is known to affect the intuitive ability of clairsentience. It relates to the ability to love without fear and self-consciousness.
Improving the Heart Chakra can help balance your emotions of giving, receiving, losing and acquiring love in your life. It will also aid organs such as the heart, lungs, thoracic areas and circulation.
The fourth Chakra, Anahata or Heart Chakra is associated with the colour Green. This colour can help soothe and bring harmony. Aventurine is a crystal gemstone that corresponds with this Chakra >>>Read More
This is your personal power centre and aids digestion, metabolism and the nervous system. This is where the personality is formed. Feeling and being are integrated here.
The Solar Plexus Chakra can help increase our will power as well as the pancreas, gall bladder, nervous system, liver, stomach and adrenals.
The third Chakra, Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with the colour Yellow. It can stimulate the nervous system and affects the mind and emotions. Citrine is a crystal gemstone that corresponds with this Chakra.
This Chakra is related to the element of Fire >>>Read More
The Sacral Chakra helps us to develop our sexuality, assimilate and process food and is identified as the instinct zone.
The Sacral Chakra belongs to the reproduction system, the testicles and ovaries and also the urinary bladder and kidneys. It is the centre for sexual energy, creativity and pure emotions
The second Chakra Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra is associated with the colour Orange that energizes invigorates and nourishes. Orange can bring self-confidence. Carnelian is a crystal gemstone that corresponds with this Chakra >>>Read More
The Root Chakra helps the flow of our life-force energy into the body. Working at its optimum, the Root Chakra can aid problems experienced with kidneys, adrenals, spinal column and colon. It links the individual with the physical world and our ability to ground ourselves.
The first Chakra, Muladhara or Root Chakra is associated with the colour Red that represents our life energy, our physical strength and vitality.
Red Jasper is a crystal gemstone that corresponds with this Chakra. This Chakra is related to the element of Earth >>>Read More
Discover the transformative power of balance with this Chakra Energy Healing Guide, your essential resource for aligning mind, body, and spirit. This comprehensive guide explores the ancient practice of chakra healing, offering insights into how blocked or unbalanced chakras can affect your energy flow and well-being.
From understanding the seven chakras to practical tips for restoring harmony through meditation, crystals, and affirmations, this guide empowers you to take control of your spiritual health. Perfect for anyone seeking clarity, peace, and heightened energy, this guide provides the tools to unlock your full potential and embrace a more centered life.
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