Capricorn and Leo Compatibility
Compatibility of the Zodiac for Capricorn and Leo
Take a look at the Capricorn and Leo compatibility love match in astrology.
Do Capricorn and Leo make a good love match?
In astrology as a Cardinal sign, Capricorn is said to indicate action, initiation and assertiveness. Capricorn likes to initiate and control their lives and their surroundings. They like to take the lead, are ambitious, creative and spontaneous. Add to this a practical nature, dependability and a grounded approach to life which comes from the Element of Earth and you have a forceful, dedicated and determinate personality.
In astrology as a Fixed sign, Leo is said to indicate stability, reliability and patience. Leo can be stable, dependable, patient and loyal. Add to this an adoring nature, innate leadership skills, and an energetic and enthusiastic passion for life which comes from the Element of Fire and you have sunny, vivacious and passionate personality.
Capricorn is an Earth sign. In astrology Earth signs are often focused, driven and ambitious. Reaching goals, gaining respect and achieving are all very important to people from the Earth sign. Material wealth and possessions are also important to them, so they are often hard workers so they can earn enough money to live comfortably. But they are not entirely materialistic as they prefer natural environments to city life.
Leo is also a Fire sign and as such has all the same fiery qualities as Capricorn. Leo is ruled by the Sun which is related to the ego, confidence and self expression. Those born under the influence of the Sun are said to be positive, strong with the ability to illuminate and lighten their surroundings. A Leo will also lighten up any room as they enter.
Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn and relates to tradition, authority and control. Those born under the rulership of Saturn tend to be serious and crave influence and authority.
Capricorn and Leo Love Match
In astrology when a Cardinal sign comes together with a Fixed sign as with Capricorn with Leo there could be friction. This is because Cardinals and Fixed signs both believe they are always right and find it hard to concede.
When an Earth sign comes together with a Fire sign as with Capricorn and Leo they can work together to become a great team. Leo inspires Capricorn, as it does every sign, but too much energy and light can outshine and scorch Capricorn. The pragmatic and ordered style to life that Capricorn has can guide Leo and bring more structure to their ideas and dreams. Such structure will improve and facilitate goal achievement.
Combining Capricorn with Leo in a love match can work wonderfully if they can give each other time and space to get on with their own individual interests. They have little in common, so they should try to appreciate this and form a mutual respect for their differing approaches to life.
However to iron out any problems in this relationship I strongly recommend a COMPLEX LOVE SPELL, either as a completely new Spell or to enhance and boost a previous Love Spell.
Click this link below to find out more:
Complex Love Spell
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