Three of Wands Tarot Card
Three of Wands
Interpretation and Meaning
The Three of Wands Tarot card is from the number cards in the suit of Wands in the Tarot. This card is one of the Minor Arcana cards. The Wands are also known as Rods or Staves in different Tarot decks.
The 3 of Wands Tarot card meaning usually refers to prospects, potentials and possibilities. It shows a need to search out options and opportunities to increase your success. This card can be very encouraging in Readings and encourages you to think big, expect the very best and demand a great future.
It’s a great card for ambitions and aspirations. It is the realisation that if you don’t have a dream, then it can never come true. So dream some big dreams and aim high. Expand your horizons and look beyond the obvious, mundane and routine.
When this card appears in Tarot Readings concerned with love and romance it usually indicates that prospects look very good. If you are single and looking to find love, then this card shows you opportunities are awaiting you. If your current relationship is less than perfect you have the chance to change it or even change partners.
The Tarot card meaning for questions concerning career or business in Tarot Readings is a very positive and encouraging one. It shows there are countless opportunities out there. You just need to widen your horizons and perhaps expand you knowledge and skill set to embrace the possibilities.
This is a great card for business success and can show reaching out to overseas markets and travelling to gain success.
The 3 of Wands Tarot card meaning for questions related to money and finance usually relates to the fact that there are plenty of opportunities to increase your income. Think creatively, be ambitious and entrepreneurial. Work harder, sell unwanted or unnecessary belongings and budget well.
When the Three of Wands appears in Tarot Readings concerning health and well being it can show that small changes can have a big impact upon health. A ten minute walk, a choice of skinny instead of full fat, an increase in fresh vitamin rich foods and a few early nights can make all the difference to your overall health and well being.
If the Three of Wands is prominent in a Tarot Spread it can encourage you to take a different look at what is happening and gain a new perspective. It can show any investment of energy into a project, a career, a relationship, a business venture can move forward positively if you consider the possibilities and potentials.
The Suit of Wands
The Suit of Wands is connected with action, creativity and movement.
It belongs to the element of Fire, the colour red, the season of summer, the direction of south and the timing of midday. The astrological corresponding sun signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
The key words connected with the Suit of Wands include adventure, bravery, charisma, confidence, courage, creativity, energy, enthusiasm, motivation, optimism, passion, risk-taking and zeal.
I use Tarot cards from the Suit of Wands in my Confidence Spell and Prosperity Spells for ridding negative energies and promoting attracting, positive energies.
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