February – Storm Moon

February - The Storm Moon

February – the Storm Moon is also known as the Ice Moon in Celtic traditions or Snow Moon in Thomas's Old Farmer’s Almanac.

During the month of February in the Northern Hemisphere snow, ice and storms were particularly prevalent.

Altruism is the key word during this period. It is a time for doing works of charity and helping those less fortunate. And as charity is said to begin at home it is also a time to concentrate on family matters and appreciate and celebrate familial ties. It is a time to count your blessings. But as often is the case you should not put others before yourself too much. Your needs, wants and desires should always come first as this enables you to be the strongest person you can be so that you can help others more easily. All phases of the lunar cycle – full, waning, new and waxing should concentrate the mind, body and soul on caring for yourself and for others.

This page was created for exclusively for members of the Green Witches Coven. If you are already a member of the Coven then please enjoy this page. If you are not yet a member of the Green Witches Coven but would like to be then please apply HERE.

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Candlemas - February 1st or 2nd

This Sabbat of Imbolc or Candlemas on February 1st or 2nd honours the Moon as source of fertility for the months to come. This is the time the earth feels the first stirrings of spring. The warmth has returned and the days are discernibly longer. It is a time of year to make a commitment or recommitment to your spiritual growth. It is a time to look ahead in hope and joy for what is to come. It is a time of divination, looking into the coming year. It is a time for cleaning and purification.

Magic of the Storm Moon

During the Storm Moon period it is a good time to contemplate and count your blessings and perhaps conduct Magic to increase them. Cast the following Wealth Spell on the evening of the full moon during the Storm Moon to allow you to share your wealth and help others.

During the Storm Moon this Wealth Spell will help you to draw wealth towards you.

Prepare your tools & ingredients on your Altar

Dried Basil, dried Thyme, dried Rosemary & dried Mint in a flameproof dish
An altar candle
A small container to hold salt
A small dish or bowl to hold water
4 silver coins

You can also add green crystals such as aventurine and the Tarot card of the Magician and the Wheel of Fortune to your Altar.

Before you commence Spell Casting

Ignite the dried herbs in the flameproof dish so they emit smoke.

Light your Altar candle.

Set the four coins down at the four corners of your Altar.

Create Your Scared Space and Circle

Concentrate and visualise a sphere of gold light forming around you and expanding outwards in every direction to form your Sacred space

Call Upon the Elements

Concentrate on all five elements of Air, Earth, Water, Fire and Spirit and how they are within you, represented on your Altar and in the world around you.

Raise Energy

Raising your energy is bringing forth all your energy inside you and preparing to release it at the end of the Spell to go out into the world and create the changes you desire. Imagine the energy in the form of a white light flowing throughout your body forming a ball of light deep in your chest. Tense every muscle in your body until you feel ‘fully charged’. Relax and take a few deep breaths before proceeding

Recite Your Spell

Pick up one silver coin and pass it through the smoke of the Basil.

Say 3 times aloud:

‘By the powers of air and positivity
Bring now to me prosperity’

Pick up the second silver coin and sprinkle some of your altar salt onto it.

Say 3 times aloud:

‘By the powers of earth and positivity
Bring now to me prosperity’

Pick up the third silver coin and hold it to the flame of your altar candle.

Say 3 times aloud:

‘By the powers of fire and positivity
Bring now to me prosperity’

Pick up the final silver coin and sprinkle some of your altar water onto it.

Say 3 times aloud:

‘By the powers of water and positivity
Bring now to me prosperity’ ‘Bring henceforth to me
With harm to none
So mote it be’

Release Energy

After your Spell is complete you will need to release and send out the energy that you raised. This energy is released into the world to create the change you desire. To do this you will need to stand before your altar and imagine the ball of light in your chest once more. Again tense all your muscles and begin to ‘push’ the energy upward.

Then stand comfortably with your feet apart and thrust your arms upwards and outwards to form a star shape with your body. Exhale and imagine sending this energy out into the air. When this is complete, stand with feet together and touch each shoulder with opposite arms to form a cross against your chest.

Ground Yourself

Relax, take some deep breaths and imagine and visualise the golden sphere around you becoming smaller until it disappears.

Order Your Coven Spell

I've lowered the cost of this Special Powerful Spell and it's only available to Coven members at this special low price.

It is my lowest priced Spell ever, although still as powerful as my full priced Spells.

I use an ancient formula in this Coven Spell to truly enhance the positive energies of Mother Nature and the Universe.

You can have this Spell Cast to:

  • Attract Love, Money and Success
  • Attract Money and Wealth
  • Reunite with an Ex-Lover

It will also deepen your connection with the Craft and enhance your understanding of the mysteries of Witchcraft, supporting your magical growth.

Coven Spell

After you click/tap "Buy Now" and make payment, simply enter and submit your details below on my Instant Buy Spell Form.

After ordering and supplying details I'll email you a full account of the Spell I will cast on your behalf.


Click Here
to send me your details

I will need your full name and date of birth

Within 24 hours I will email you with confirmation and more details

When purchasing this service from me you are assumed to have read my Terms and Conditions

Creating positive energy is very important if you are to live an abundant and prosperous life and build up good karma. A great way to do this is by undertaking some charity work.