Queen of Cups Tarot Card
The Interpretation and Meaning of the Queen of Cups
The Queen of Cups is part of my Tarot Card Meanings series...
The Queen of Cups is one of the Court cards in the suit of Cups in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot.
All the Queens of each of the four suits in the Tarot often represent a woman who takes charge. Queens are seen as mature, relaxed, and at ease with themselves. The Queens concern themselves with feelings and emotions behind their ideas, beliefs and actions. They work quietly, effectively and diligently "behind the scenes" to accomplish their tasks.
Other than representing a person the Queens can indicate a time of growth and development and making things real.
The Queen of Cups Tarot card meaning usually refers to emotional strength and an increase and awareness of intuition, psychic power or sensitivity.
The Queen of Cups can be a positive card in Tarot Readings and shows compassion, love and emotional stability. Physically the Queen of Cups describes a woman with fair or brown hair with brown or blue eyes.
The Queen of Cups, as with all the Court cards can be a representative of an individual or aspect of a personality. The meaning for this card can symbolise a woman who is often very intuitive, a psychic or a counsellor. She can just sense others feelings and knows exactly the right things to say or do to help. She will always offer her shoulder for you to cry on. She is sometimes shy and self-effacing. She is always affectionate and loving.
When this card appears in Tarot Readings concerned with love and romance it usually indicates giving and receiving love unconditionally. It promises the hope of a soul mate connection where true love can flourish.
The Tarot card meaning for questions concerning career or business in Tarot Readings often represents needing to give your time and energy to support a work colleague or co worker. You may be called upon to act compassionately.
This card can also relate to careers such as care giving, counseling, healing, nursing or other emotional supportive careers.
The Queen of Cups Tarot card meaning for questions related to money and finance usually relates to asking for and receiving a helping hand with your finances. This could be a short term loan or gift from a family member to help you out.
When this card appears in Tarot Readings concerning health and well being it can relate to suffering low moods, having female hormonal problems, psychological problems, depressions, obsessions or addictions.
This card is also a good indicator of a pregnancy and birth of a child.
If the Queen of Cups is prominent in a Tarot Spread it can show development of a romance, an increase in psychic strength and spiritual awareness or the growth of a family.
This card can also indicate reacting to events too emotionally and allowing your heart to rule your head.
Upright Queen of Cups Meaning
The upright Tarot card meaning of the Queen of Cups Tarot card for you
today shows that you are surrounded and supported by gentle, loving and
guiding positive energy.
Reversed Queen of Cups Meaning
The reversed Tarot card meaning of the Queen of Cups Tarot card can
indicate problems within the family and being blocked from seeing the
whole picture. This card can also indicate disappointments or arguments
with people close to you. You may be experiencing feelings of being
unable to protect yourself or someone close to you.
meaning of the reversed Queen of Cups Tarot card is that of emotional
incompatibility in love relationships. It can indicate two lovers with
very different expectations, motivations and aspirations for the
relationship. This mismatch can only be resolved with open and frank
The Queen of Cups Tarot card can often show a need for love to surround you.
To allow this to happen as destiny has planned, you need to have a powerful Love Spell cast.
The Suit of Cups
The Suit of Cups is connected with emotions, feelings and relationships.
It belongs to the element of Water, the colour blue, the season of spring, the direction of west and the timing of dawn. The astrological corresponding sun signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
The key words connected with the suit of Cups include affection, calmness; care giving, diplomacy, empathy, gentleness, imagination, intuition, love, peace, romance, sensitivity and spiritual.
I use Tarot cards from the Suit of Cups in my Love Spell casting for love, romance, soul mate attraction, commitment and reuniting manifestation.
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