Psychic Dreams
Can my Dreams Come True?
Everyone dreams but some people are able to experience psychic dreams
or prophetic dreams. These precognitive dreams are dreams in which the
future is foretold or prophesied. Often the prediction occurs in reality
within a few hours of the psychic dream.
In ancient cultures
dreams were seen as messages from the gods and given the respect and
credence that scientific knowledge is given today.
There are
subtle differences between ordinary dreams and prophetic dreams. Many
people who experience regular prophetic dreams explain their experiences
as far more vivid, more detailed and differently coloured than ordinary
Am I Psychic?
Everyone has some degree of psychic ability and often it is in dreams that true ability is forthcoming. Without the pressures, distractions and constant interruptions experienced in your waking hours, you are more likely to experience psychic premonitions and connections in your sleeping state.
Begin to trust yourself, keep a prophetic dreams journal and look out for subtle signs and symbols of validation.
Try to keep a record of your prophetic dreams and your predictions and a note of how you felt before sleeping.
How can I Experience Psychic Dreams?
There are a number of ways to experience prophetic dreams.
Being relaxed, unstressed and free from chemical stimulants, medications and toxins is probably the best way of being open and receptive to psychic dreams.
Using only natural substances can enhance prophetic dreams and the likelihood of having a psychic dream.
Dream Tea
Prepare a mix of the following dried herbs for a potent psychic dream tea:
- 3 teaspoons Mint
- 1 teaspoon Sage
- 1 teaspoon Lavender
- 2 teaspoons Chamomile
- 2 teaspoons Dittany of Crete*
*If you can't get Dittany of Crete, use an extra teaspoon each of mint and one of sage instead.
mix together the herbs and keep in an airtight container. The blend of
psychic dream tea should give you enough blended dream tea for nine
Each evening for nine consecutive days put a teaspoon of
the blend into a small cup and pour boiling water over. Allow to steep
for five minutes. You can add some honey to the Psychic Dream Tea if you
Sip the tea and say 3 times aloud:
As I sip this dream tea
Slumber deep bring to me
To dream of truth for me to see
So mote it be!
Repeat this process for another eight days.
Dream Pouch
Stuff a pouch with the following herbs to aid your prophetic dreams.
- Bay Laurel
- Lavender
- Dittany of Crete
Place the pouch under your pillow before sleeping.
Make your Dreams Come True...
You can make your dreams come true by having a Spell Cast by me.
I have a wide range of Spell options, whether you want Money, Love, Career and Business Success, Gambling, Healing, Protection or Weight Loss, whatever your wish, check out my comprehensive Spells by visiting the link below.
Spells that Work!
Remember that positive energy is important to enable you to live an abundant and prosperous life and build up good Karma. A great way to do this is by undertaking some charity work. This doesn't mean giving money, but your time can be just as valuable to charities.
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Have a New Moon Spell cast by a real Witch on the upcoming New Moon. A New Moon
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Don't miss out on the
coming New Moon January 2025.
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You may want a New Moon Spell to:
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- Success with any new project, enterprise or relationship
- Commence a new career or business
- Manifest a new period of abundant wealth and prosperity
- Bring positive good luck for lottery wins and gambling
- Or any positive purpose you may have
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The law requires me to state that the contents of this website are for entertainment purposes only.
Psychic, tarot and spell casting services cannot be a substitute for professional, legal, medical, financial or psychiatric advice/care, where appropriate.
You must be at least 18 years old to make any purchase from me.
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