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Premonitions are psychic visions of future events. I experience psychic predictions in my dreams and in my waking hours. I can and do have predictions at any time, but more usually when I'm meditating, conducting rituals or when Spell casting.
Although I do see some visual pictures and sometimes hear things in my psychic premonitions, it is more about the feelings and emotions I experience that compel me to pay attention.
These are glimpses I have into the future and should not be ignored.
While casting Spells I occasionally go into a trance like state where I experience premonitions. These premonitions or glimpses into the future invariably prove to be correct. I had a premonition involving someone named Rachel which was very strong. This is probably because you, Rachel are very psychic yourself and I could attune to your energies easily.
In the premonition I saw a figure wearing a dark cloak that completely covered their whole body and head and hid their face. The cloaked figure walked into the distance and stepped over a stone bridge, with a stream flowing beneath. On the other side of the bridge was a beautiful and colourful garden filled with flowers. The colours of the flowers were the same colours as the rainbow that was in the sky over this scene.
I sensed a great feeling of contentment, happiness and security. The cloaked figure removed the dark cape and sat amongst the flowers in the magical, colourful garden. As dusk fell the full moon shone brightly on the figure. The figure looked upwards and saw the stars and basked in the glorious shimmering silvery glow of the moon.
I sensed a great feeling of contentment, happiness and security. The cloaked figure removed the dark cape and sat amongst the flowers in the magical, colourful garden. As dusk fell the full moon shone brightly on the figure. The figure looked upwards and saw the stars and basked in the glorious shimmering silvery glow of the moon.
I believe this figure to be you Rachel. I sensed that the premonition
was symbolic of you leaving behind your worries, stress and doom and
gloom. I sensed you will soon enter a significant time in your life when
wealth, love, fortune, luck and happiness will flow to you. I feel this
is your destiny.
I'd love to have the opportunity to help you
further Rachel as I feel a strong psychic connection to you. I feel you
would really benefit from a Prosperity Spell cast by me. My Spells are conducted with love and light and can really improve your current situation.
This premonition is for you if you are named Sue, Susan or Suzie, have just celebrated your birthday and have lived in a home with a red door. The number 16 is significant to you and so is someone from the star sign of Cancer who is causing you sleepless nights.
You love music and are very creative and like to keep your home just so. You are a trusted and loyal friend and can keep secrets.
In the premonition I sensed that you yourself are very psychic, even though you may not feel this. I am also getting the sense that you are a natural healer and are very attuned to nature, animals and the Spirit world. If you are not already using these gifts to the fullest you should seriously consider doing so.
Because of this innate psychic connection you are able to put yourself into the shoes of others and pick up on their emotions very easily. This makes you a very good listener and adviser. However, you sometimes don’t trust your initial instincts and don’t take your own advice when it comes to your own life, particularly in money matters.
I believe a Money Spell can transform your life.
This premonition is for you if you are J, a Piscean from the USA. The months of February and September are significant for you as is the number 13.
In the premonition I saw an elderly but sprightly, twinkle-eyed lady wagging her finger at you. Not in an unfriendly way but more of a joking ticking off. She has great warmth about her and I feel she has a lovely sense of humour. I sense you know what she is getting at.
In the premonition I sensed that you have an adaptable character and are able to cope well with all the ups and downs that life throws up at you. You are blessed with both a positive outlook and also a very strong intuition.
Because of this you can be attractive to others. Your
difficulty however may be in finding the most beneficial forms of
relationship for you. I believe that an Attraction Spell is perfect for you.
This premonition is for you if you are Angel, Angela or Angelia. The colour pink is significant for you as is the number 11. You are very psychic and have a very strong intuition.
In the premonition I saw you unhappy, grieving and trying to come to terms with a heartbreaking loss. Your sensitive nature was deeply wounded.
In the premonition I sensed that you have a male energy looking out for you. I felt that he was urging you to hold your head up and bravely face the future. Although you may have felt alone, the male has been with you and has helped you with the knock backs you have suffered.
I sensed that you have suffered some form of disappointment in your relationships with others. I am being told that you have been let down badly by someone you thought you could totally trust.
Do not give up
hope, though, as I am being told that regrets that you have need to be
put behind you. If you can find the strength to do this you can look
forward positively to the future with confidence. A Soul Mate Spell is perfect for your situation.
This premonition is for you if you are Michael with Money Worries. Although you try to keep positive, recent events have caused you to become very despondent. For every step forward you take you seem to take three steps backwards.
You have been going through a tough time with more than normal stress,
strain and worry. You may feel that your ability to cope with this added
strain is being tested. Legal and financial issues are very likely to
be bringing you this stress.
You're causing yourself a great deal
of stress with resulting physical and emotional energy sapping
symptoms. Sleeplessness, feeling depressed, irritability and tiredness
are all showing through in you. You are desperate to end this turmoil as
soon as possible. A Money Spell can give you a quick solution.
This premonition is for you if you are T, Talented Entertainer. You are
extremely gifted with many talents. You are waiting patiently for your
big break and have the confidence to know that you will eventually make
it if only you are given the chance.
Your favourite colours are red, gold and green and you about to celebrate an important milestone birthday.
You are extremely popular and have many friends and admirers and love to be the centre of attention.
In the premonition I saw you centre stage with a huge audience applauding you. To make this a reality you need to have a Fame and Fortune Spell cast.
This premonition is for you if you are a Heartbroken Canadian and are
suffering the effects of a break up. The star sign of Taurus is
significant to you and a career involving communication.
You may be blocking things and avoiding confrontations in the hope that the difficulties will disappear.
In the premonition I sensed that you are influenced by the power of the
moon and intensify your intuitive senses around the full moon. Your
emotions are the key to understanding you. You are not afraid to show
your feelings and are very sensitive to the emotions of others. You try
to shield yourself from the worst the world has to offer and always try
to find the best in everyone and everything. Having a Reunite Spell cast is ideal for you.
Prophecies, are as the word suggests, predictions about the future usually made by prophets. These prophecies are usually profound utterings that have major influence on world events. Throughout history prophets have made profound prophecies that, after time, have proved to be correct. Along with the religious prophets, others have been heralded as prophets.
Nostradamus is probably the most prolific prophet who correctly prophesised the Great Fire of London in 1666, details of the French Revolution, the rise of Napoleon and Hitler, twentieth century earthquakes, John F. Kennedy's assassination, Princess Diana's untimely death, man's landing on the moon and even the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Psychic predictions and your destiny.
The world predictions for 2023 as always predict doom and gloom in some areas and great achievements and endeavours in other areas. But what about you? Is this year 2023 going to be your lucky year? Will you find your soul mate? Will you win the lottery? Find out the 2023 Psychic Predictions for all 12 star signs of the Zodiac.
Find out in my Psychic Predictions
Positive energy is very important if you are to live an abundant and prosperous life and build up good karma. A great way to do this is by undertaking some charity work.
Have a New Moon Spell cast by a real Witch on the upcoming New Moon. A New Moon Spell to manifest whatever you most desire!
Cast on the next New Moon by Alizon, an experienced White Witch and Spell Caster.
You may want a New Moon Spell to:
111 Ritual
222 Ritual
Attraction Spells
Love Spells
Money Spells
All Spells
Full Moon Spells
New Moon Spells
Sex Spells
Reunite Spells
Weight Loss Spells
Protection Spells
Commitment Spell
Complex Love
Soul Mate Spells
Success Spells
Fame & Fortune
Custom Spells
Ultimate Spell
The Ultimate Sacred Balance Spell
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Psychic, tarot and spell casting services cannot be a substitute for professional, legal, medical, financial or psychiatric advice/care, where appropriate.
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