Pink Colour Meaning for Magic, Healing and Enhancing your Life…
The Colour Meaning of Pink
The Colour Pink is part of my Colour Meanings series...
As I am English, I use the spelling of 'colour' throughout my website, rather than the American version of 'color'.
Pink represents calmness, gentleness and romantic love. It is associated with traditional feminine traits and is very warm, none threatening and compassionate.
If you are looking for love and want to attract a soul mate to you, then wear something in the colour pink. It is the most attracting of all the colours and at least one shade of this lovely colour will be flattering to you – whatever your skin tone. Wearing this colour attracts attention and interest and allows the viewer of the colour to feel warmth and comfort. Because of this potential lovers will feel comfortable and confident enough to approach you and will not fear refusal.
Pink Colour Meaning
The colour pink represents love and compassion. The traditional pink colour meaning is that of nurturing. The meaning of pink is also associated with tenderness, kindness and generosity.
It is such a soothing, comforting colour from the palest of pastel shade to the deepest fuchsia it exudes warmth and comfort. These womb like feelings of warmth and comfort are especially felt by women. Softness, nurturing, selflessness and of the traditional feminine traits are all found in this colour.
It is of course the combination of red and white. Red gives warmth and energy, whereas white brings purity and clarity.
It promotes a feeling of gentle warmth and nurturing. It lessens feelings of anger and irritability, surrounding us with a sense of love and protection. It also helps with feelings of loneliness, unhappiness, over sensitivity, and vulnerability.
Pink Colour Meaning in Healing
In colour therapy and colour healing, pink is used for calming and soothing and is good for assisting with emotional and mental ailments such as sadness, loneliness and grief.
Pink, along with the colour green, is linked with the Heart Chakra, and concerns higher consciousness and love. The Heart Chakra bridges the gap between the physical and spiritual worlds.
Pink Colour Meaning in Magic and Correspondences
Pink is connected with the zodiac sign of Aquarius and the planet of Venus. It is also connected to the Lovers Tarot Card.
When used in rituals and Spell work, the colour pink, such as coloured crystals like Rose Quartz, is associated with attracting love.
Using pink candles and crystals can assist any Magic Spells that involve love, increasing self esteem and self love. Light a pink candle if you want to increase the love in your life.
I use pink candles and crystals in the Spells I cast including my Love Spells, Fertility Spells and Weight Loss Spells.
Love Spell
Fertility Spell
Weight Loss Spell
Enhancing your Life with the Colour Pink
Using pink for clothing, decorating your home or just enjoying this colour within nature will help you attract more love into your life.
Wear something in this colour if you want to attract a potential love partner. Or just wear it when you are in need of de-stressing and are seeking calm.
Place pink crystals, such as Rose Quartz, around your home to ensure a happy and loving home environment.
It is a very relaxing and soothing colour and promotes feelings of caring, tenderness and contentment.
Choosing Pink as a Favourite Colour
Choosing pink as a favourite colour often shows a desire for love. This can be a need to increase your own self-love or gaining love from others. Possibly those around you have not been as affectionate, caring or attentive as you want them to be.
If you have pink as a favourite colour you have a generous, warm, loving and compassionate nature. You display maternal and the traditional feminine traits of caring and nurturing and need to give love and attention to others. You also need a great deal of love yourself and crave protection, safety and security.
You are very romantic and sensuous and enjoy the idea of being in love. You sometimes feel as your life is missing romance and because of this you lose yourself easily by watching romantic films and reading romance novels.
You are a positive optimist and always find the good in everyone. Because of this you may have placed your trust and affections into undeserving people.
On the downside you can be overly sensitive and hurt easily.
With pink as a favourite colour you can also become too reliant and dependent on others and lack the confidence to go it alone.
Put your needs first for a change and really look after yourself. Find ways to make the best of yourself both externally and internally. A new hairstyle, stylish outfit or soothing massage will make you feel and look good.
Begin to be open and receptive to others showing their affection for you. Receive ALL compliments with a big smile and a big thank you!
The use of colour, their colour meanings and what they represent are very important in my Magic Spell Casting to change destiny for the better!!!
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