Page of Cups Tarot Card
The Interpretation and Meaning of the Page of Cups
The Page of Cups is part of my Tarot Card Meanings series...
The Page of Cups is one of the Court cards in the suit of Cups in the Minor Arcana of the Tarot.
All the Pages of each of the four suits in the Tarot often represent children, young people or the young at heart. The Pages are also known as Princesses in some Tarot decks. The Pages are traditionally seen as messengers delivering something to the Querent.
Very much like the Fool in the Major Arcana the Pages characterize the qualities of youth and lack of inhibition. Their approach to events is not necessarily weighty or deep in meaning, but they display an expression of daring, spontaneity, and opportunity.
The Page of Cups Tarot card meaning usually refers to indicate messages and communication relating to love, romance or family related matters.
The Page of Cups can be a good omen in Tarot Readings and shows invitations and opportunities given regarding love. Physically this card describes a child with fair or brown hair with brown or blue eyes.
The Page of Cups, as with all the Court cards can be a representative of an individual or aspect of a personality. The meaning for this card can symbolize a child, young person or person who is child-like who is a daydreamer, head in the clouds, rarely paying attention. Imaginative, kind and sweet but can be over sensitive.
When this card appears in Tarot Readings concerned with love and romance it usually indicates a need to express your feelings. Alternatively it can show someone is ready but reluctant to express their love for you. You may need to make the fist move.
The Tarot card meaning for questions concerning career or business in Tarot Readings often represents a younger person having an impact in the workplace. This could mean you taking on a mentoring role or even that the younger person may be promoted above you and become your boss.
The Page of Cups Tarot card meaning for questions related to money and finance usually relates to a need to face up to the realities of your finances. If things have gotten out of hand and debts are piling up this card urges you to take some action now.
When this card appears in Tarot Readings concerning health and well being it can show emotional feelings impacting on your health. You may have an over sensitive reaction to some event and find yourself emotionally low.
If the Page of Cups is prominent in a Tarot Spread it can show a need to have some fun and surround yourself with those you love. You may receive messages or invitations concerned with family events which may celebrate or announce a pregnancy, the birth of a baby, an engagement or wedding.
Upright Page of Cups Meaning
The upright Tarot card meaning of the Page of Cups Tarot card for you
today shows that you will receive a message that will be most welcome.
Reversed Page of Cups Meaning
The reversed Tarot card meaning of the Page of Cups Tarot card can
indicate emotional confusion. This usually refers to unrequited love.
There may be a tendency to confuse fantasy with reality and have overly
romantic emotions for someone who is out of reach. You may have set your
mind and your heart on someone who is unavailable to reciprocate your
Another meaning of the reversed Page of Cups Tarot card is
that of escapism and turning to substances like drugs and alcohol to
escape from reality. If you recognize that you have a problem then you
need to get help. If someone you care about has the problem then you'll
need to stage an intervention.
The Page of Cups Tarot card can often show love is in the air.
To allow this to happen as destiny has planned, you need to have a powerful Love Spell cast.
The Suit of Cups
The Suit of Cups is connected with emotions, feelings and relationships.
It belongs to the element of Water, the colour blue, the season of spring, the direction of west and the timing of dawn. The astrological corresponding sun signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
The key words connected with the suit of Cups include affection, calmness; care giving, diplomacy, empathy, gentleness, imagination, intuition, love, peace, romance, sensitivity and spiritual.
I use Tarot cards from the Suit of Cups in my Love Spell casting for love, romance, soul mate attraction, commitment and reuniting manifestation.
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