Mor Sanos Orra

The Green Witches Coven grew out of a more ancient gathering. The Psychic Moon Coven was a real Witch’s Coven of 13 women. The power and energy of this collection of women was truly amazing.  The power of the Thirteen is multiplied and magnified by the collective power and energy of The Coven. 

The Thirteen

Each of the Thirteen has been empowered with the centuries old Mor Sanos Orra healing energy system. Everything contained within the Universe is energy and has a vibrational frequency and this includes thoughts, feelings and emotions as well as more tangible objects.

Since like attracts like, it follows that the vibrational frequency of your thoughts and feelings will attract more of the same with similar vibrational frequencies.

It is known that positive emotions such as happiness, love, and joy etc have a very high vibrational frequency, whereas emotions that are negative such as sadness, anger and fear etc., vibrate at a very low frequency. Mor Sanos Orra is an exceptionally high vibrational frequency.

“We are all real women who are real witches and practice real magic.  Our ages range from 20 to 67 and most of us are mothers, some of us are grandmothers and all of us are gifted with psychic power. We all share a respect for nature, a love of animals and a depth of knowledge of the art of our craft. Like all benevolent and sincere Covens, we at the Psychic Moon Coven adhere to the Wiccan Rede.”

The Ancient Healing Power Of Mor Sanos Ora


Mor Sanos Orra is believed to have begun in the lands of the Celts several thousand years ago. Mainly used by women, the knowledge of the healing energies and a system of sounds and symbols for universal healing energies was developed. Various healing systems, which crossed many different cultures, emerged from this single root system. Unfortunately, the original source itself was forgotten.

The following is a written account of what we know of the history of this wonderful healing energy. Before this time, the stories of Alice and her descendents were purely verbal and passed down within the family with no written records kept. This is entirely understandably as Witches; Healers and Wise Women were persecuted for their beliefs throughout the centuries with many losing their lives in murderous and tortuous ways.

This is the transcript of the tale recounted from descendents of Alice:

Alice was born on the last day of the 16th Century on December 31st 1599. She was the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter. Her mother drew on her ancient Celtic traditions and was an exceptional healer, a clairvoyant, wise woman and herbalist, She was forced to flee from her home in North Berwick, Scotland in 1590 and crossed over the border to England. She feared for her life as she was accused along with many others of witchcraft and plotting on Halloween night to do damage to King James VI during his voyage from Denmark with his new bride. Their ship was caught in a terrible tempest and although the Royal couple escaped, the storm was later blamed on a group of witches who met in North Berwick. As many as 1,500 woman were put to death in the most horrific ways as they were brought before the courts in witch trials in the last decade of the 16th century in Scotland.

Alice inherited her mother’s gifts and went on to marry. Her husband was a good and gentle man and they loved each other dearly. Alice had predicted not only the physical appearance of her future husband but also his personality characteristics.  She made this prediction at the age of five.  Alice had sat on her mother’s lap and had conjured up a story. She told her mother that she was to marry “a strong man, broad in his shoulder, tall in his stance with sky blue eyes and hair of gold. Gentle and kind he will be, and he’ll not beat me but love me beyond all things”. Her mother took Alice’s hands and with palms opened to the sky, she gently inscribed an invisible series of secret, sacred symbols onto her small daughter’s outstretched hands. She whispered in the girl’s ear some ancient phrase. This phrase was “Mor Sanos Orra” And then out loud she said “So mote it be!” and asked Alice to clap her hands three times.

Alice did marry and love such a man and was loved like no other by him. She went on to give birth to three daughters: Ailsa, Agnes and Anne. It was in childbirth giving life to her last daughter Anne, that Alice let out a terrible scream – not just the pains of labour but a stabbing pain to her heart. Her beloved husband had been killed under a cartwheel of a passing stagecoach. He had lain injured but still breathing for some minutes. But despite any help he received, his life force left him. At the moment of his death Alice had suffered the great pain to her heart. She had known that if she had been by his side she could have healed him with her special and secret ritual that her mother had taught her. But as she mourned the death of her most beloved husband she gave life to her newborn child. As with her other daughters on the day of their birth, she took the tiny hands her baby and inscribed the same secret, sacred symbols onto them. She whispered the same ancient phrase. She clapped her daughter’s hands together three times and said aloud “So mote it be!”

Anne and her sisters became powerful healers and weavers of magical powers and were much sought after. They became midwives who had powers to soften the pains of childbirth; they were able to ensure a comfortable passing to the dying and treated many ailments and life threatening illnesses successfully. They were often called upon to bless crops to allow a good harvest and passed on their good fortune and luck to others. The sisters used the same ritual of the whispered ancient phrase and inscribing of sacred symbols on palms of hands. They passed this ritual down to their own daughters and so it went, passing down from mother to daughter throughout the generations with each daughter inheriting extremely powerful healing and magical powers. Because of the persecution with burnings, hangings and torture of witches the ritual was kept within the family, the female descendents of Alice, and only used to help very trusted people.

In 1665 Isabelle, daughter of Anne and granddaughter of Alice, was passing through the villages of Derbyshire offering her services of midwifery and dying comforter. It was during her stay there that it came to be known that in the close by village of Eyam the great plague, that was ravaging London, had taken hold.

To prevent its deathly spread, Isabelle circled the village where she was staying three times, and carried out her ritual on all the buildings. Neither Isabelle nor anyone in that village fell victim to the plague that had decimated Eyam so cruelly.

Isabelle continued to practice her craft and passed it on to her own daughter Elizabeth. And it is with Elizabeth that our story takes an interesting twist. On Halloween night 31st October in the year of 1701 Elizabeth, great granddaughter of Alice, gave birth to a daughter she named Matilda. The baby was placed in the arms of Alice now the grand old age of 101, and lying on her deathbed. The wonderful woman, who had lived in three centuries, healed and helped countless people and had begun the lineage that produced for her daughters, granddaughters, great granddaughters and now a great great granddaughter, to pass on the healing and magical energy ritual down through the ages. In her dying moments she cradled the newborn and whispered the ancient words, inscribed the sacred symbols on the babes tiny velvet soft hands with her very wrinkly, bony finger and said aloud with her last breath on this earth “So mote it be!”

In turn Matilda’s great granddaughter Rose used her inherited magical powers to help out her employer. She had taken up the position of maidservant to a wealthy industrialist widower in Rotherham in the East Riding of Yorkshire. He was a kindly man but a foolish one and had lost all his wealth by gambling. He had become very unhappy after losing his wife. His health had suffered also as he failed to look after himself properly. Down to his last  £100 Rose found him sobbing in his parlour. He feared he would find himself an inmate of the newly built poorhouse as he faced financial ruin. Rose said she could help. Desperate the man agreed to Rose helping him. With her clairvoyant skills she predicted that he would again find good health, the love of a good woman and great wealth. Rose whispered the ancient words, inscribed the sacred symbols on his palms and told him to clap his hands three times. Rose said aloud “So mote it be!” and told the man he must cross water to make his dream come true and to cross her palm with silver. He gave Rose a silver shilling, she held it to her heart. She slipped the coin back in his pocket and said that silver would be his making.

Rose later learned that with the last of his money he had booked passage from Liverpool to New York and had set up business as owner of a silversmith factory. He had met and fallen in love with an American woman and went on to marry her. He became healthier, wealthier and very much happier.

Yet another descendent of Alice who had been passed the ritual, healing and magical powers named Geraldine used them wisely in 1940. With other witches in southern England on July 31 (Lammas Eve) she performed a ritual to prevent Hitler's forces from invading England. No invasion came.

Geraldine was the grandmother to our High Priestess and the founder of the Psychic Moon Coven, Amethyst. Amethyst feels that this very ancient and special powerful energy should be used to help and heal as many people as possible today. With so much pain, war, and disease, crippling debt and failing relationships, Amethyst believes that it is her calling to pass on Alice’s sacred symbols, ancient words and healing and psychic powers. This has become known as an Empowerment of the healing energy of Mor Sanos Orra.

Rose later learned that with the last of his money he had booked passage from Liverpool to New York and had set up business as owner of a silversmith factory. He had met and fallen in love with an American woman and went on to marry her. He became healthier, wealthier and very much happier.

Yet another descendent of Alice who had been passed the ritual, healing and magical powers named Geraldine used them wisely in 1940. With other witches in southern England on July 31 (Lammas Eve) she performed a ritual to prevent Hitler's forces from invading England. No invasion came.

Geraldine was the grandmother to our High Priestess and the founder of the Psychic Moon Coven, Amethyst. Amethyst feels that this very ancient and special powerful energy should be used to help and heal as many people as possible today. With so much pain, war, and disease, crippling debt and failing relationships, Amethyst believes that it is her calling to pass on Alice’s sacred symbols, ancient words and healing and psychic powers.

This has become known as an Empowerment of the Healing Energy of Mor Sanos Orra.

The NEW Moon is approaching!
Get your New Moon Spell for November 2024

A woman dressed in black casting spells at ther altar

A New Moon Spell That Works

Have a New Moon Spell cast by a real Witch on the upcoming New Moon. A New Moon Spell to manifest whatever you most desire!


Cast on the next New Moon by Alizon, an experienced White Witch and Spell Caster.

Don't miss out on the coming New Moon November 2024... Your chance to change your destiny:

You may want a New Moon Spell to:

  • Boost your Ancient Magical Chants
  • Attract a new love into your life
  • Begin a fresh start with an ex-lover
  • Success with any new project, enterprise or relationship

  • Commence a new career or business
  • Manifest a new period of abundant wealth and prosperity
  • Bring positive good luck for lottery wins and gambling
  • Or any positive purpose you may have


Ali says
"Hello dear Alizon ☺️ I wish you a happy new year, good health and happiness for the future. I just have to thank you again for the Soulmate spell you performed for me, I finally met a wonderful girl and it's going so wonderfully between us, it can't be described in words, we want to get married next summer 😊 I think I owe it all to your magic. You are such a wonderful personality and a blessing to this world ✨ Light and Love from me"

Liz from the US says
"You cast a spell for me in August 2022 and I want to thank you for your sincere efforts on my behalf. The spell was very successful. I will use your services again. You help many people. Thank you again!"

Christine from Stamford, Connecticut, USA says
"Hi Alizon! Thank you for another GREAT Casino win! after casting me a Money Spell."

Thomas from Muir, Switzerland says
"You cast a Money Spell for me. My turnover increased 70% during the last three months! You helped me in a great way."

Terrence from Sacramento, California USA
"I wanted to thank you for the Money Spell you cast for me. I have seen immediate results and look forward to the continuous positive energy. Blessings to you."

Alexa Aurora, Colorado USA
"Hi! Again, thank you for all your work on the Money Spell. There have been amazing positive energies flowing around my finances already."

Judith from Wrexham, North Wales, UK
"I just wanted to thank you for casting the Full Moon Triple Cast Love Spell from the bottom of my heart. I know the full moon can be powerful but I didn’t expect such great results so soon."

Charles from Smithfield, Queensland, Australia "Thank you so much for the amazing and fantastic extreme success you had in the Return Lover Spell you did. Within 24hrs my ex contacted me and wanted to see me straight away. I could not believe it. It was amazing."

Lynne from Topeka, Kansas, USA
"You cast an Attraction Spell for me. It took several weeks to work, but when it did, it worked like ... well like magic! I have found the most wonderful, perfect, man in the world for me!"

Graham from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
"Just one word – UNBELIEVABLE!!! The reaction I got just days after you cast the Sex Spell was incredible."

Nina from Picton, NSW, Australia
"I just wanted to share with you the best news ever! Your Fertility Spell worked! I’ve waited so long for this to happen and I’m over the moon. Thank you so much Alizon."

Yvette from Singapore
"The Psychic Ability Spell you cast has begun to work. I can sense the connections with spirit much stronger than before. I have been more and more sensitive to other "beings" around me also."

David from Georgia, USA
"Just so you'll know I recently purchased a Reunite Spell from you. It worked!!! It had been two and a half months since I heard from my ex. Less than a week after your spell she reached out to me through Facebook."

Elpo from Middlesex, UK
" Dear Alizon, I don't know how to express my joy to you .... I can only wish all the best in your life and lots of blessings !! The Reunite Spell worked the same day, I am back on track with my lover."

Andrea from South Australia
" Just to let you know that I`ve got the job I wanted with the Prosperity Spell you did. Thank you very much. It is unbelievable."

Tiffany from Sarasota, Florida, USA
" I want to thank you for the Binding Spell you did for me. It brought ******* back to me! So thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!"

Julia from San Diego, USA
"I was so pleased with the Love Spell you cast for me last week! I had results the very next day. Thank you, blessed be."


I would like to thank you SO much again. You are so gifted and I'm lucky to have found you and receive your energy. I had instant results AGAIN with the Money Spell you cast for me!"

Leonora from Ottawa, Canada
"You cast a Fertility Spell for me and I had twins!"

Jessica from Northern Carolina, USA
"I ordered Custom Spell from you over 2 or 3 weeks ago and I would just like to share my success. A lot of things are opening up for me. Multiple job opportunities, I feel great, energized and my ex boyfriend and I are back together. Thanks again for your amazing work."

Cassandra from New South Wales, Australia
"Just to let you know that my lover and I have united and we are now a couple because of the Return Lover Spell you cast for me. And, thank you. We are a very connected pair, consider ourselves soul mates and through your help, are now together."

Louise from Sheffield, United Kingdom
"Everything is perfect with me and ****.The Commitment Spell you cast me he asked me to marry him the very next day! This is the happiest I’ve ever been."

Graham from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
< "Just one word – UNBELIEVABLE!!! The reaction I got just days after you cast the Sex Spell was incredible."

Sharon from Windsor, Pennsylvania USA
"Alizon - I wanted to let you know that there were serious signs of a commitment from ****** from the Commitment Spell you cast right away - the next day. Thank you for what you've done so for, many blessings and love to you."

Angie from Cornwall, UK
" Thank you for the first two spells that you cast for me, a Soul Mate Spell and a Success Spell - they have been very effective."

Richard, Reston, Virginia, USA
"Thank you! You did a Soul Mate Spell for me and within weeks, it quite an unusual way, I met my soulmate! I’ve never been happier."

Gurpreet from Birmingham, United Kingdom
"Hello Alizon, I just wanted to thank you for making my relationship possible! I had no idea that your Attraction Spell would work so fast! I am extremely grateful to you for making my muse into a reality. I can most definitely say I am the happiest girl on the planet right now!"

Shelley from Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada
"I cannot believe how different I am after you cast the Confidence Spell for me. I felt the positive energy straight away and am starting a course in self development. Thank you for guiding me."


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