Herbs and Herbal Lore

Herbs and Herbal Lore:
Discover the Magic, History, and Healing Properties of Plants

A bowl of fresh herbs

Herbs and herbal lore have been at the center of healing and magic throughout the ages -  not just for their culinary flavorings! These fragrant plants are prized for their special range of Magical and healing properties.

Herbs were used in potions, incenses and amulets to ward off evil, attract prosperity, and give protection and to heal all manner of illnesses.

In ancient times when herbs were added to foods, they were primarily included for their Magical or medicinal properties, rather than for their flavor.

Much of this knowledge of herbs and herbal Lore has been forgotten, but fortunately the popularity and rising interest in Wicca and Paganism has meant more people have increased their knowledge on this fascinating subject and are focusing on the gifts that nature has to offer us.

In Magic, herbs, flowers and plants are used for several purposes. Herbs can be used for purification, protection, banishing, divination, evoking and Spell casting.

I use a range of different herbs, tree barks, flowers, plants and wild herbs along with other ingredients in the Spell casting process. All are chosen for their potent magical properties and positive energies and are ethically gathered at peak potency and are selected for their powerful energies.

All the ingredients I use to formulate Spells I cast on your behalf are gathered, ritually blessed, charged and prepared personally by me during the appropriate Magical Lunar Phases.

Dittany of Crete

In any discussion of herbs and herbal lore the rare and sacred Dittany of Crete must be mentioned. It is named "eronda" by the locals, which means sexual love for its aphrodisiac properties. Dittany of Crete only grows wild on the Greek island of Crete and has long been known as one of the most potent Magic Herbs. 

The magical properties of this herb include an increase in psychic abilities and drawing of love and youthfulness. The Ancient Greek Goddess Aphrodite herself used Dittany of Crete.

Although easily obtained in the many stores and tourist markets on the Island of Crete, it's hard to find anywhere else in the world.


The name Thyme comes from the Greek thymos meaning spirit or smoke. In mythical folklore, Thyme flowers were full of perfume and nectar for the bees, traditionally the messengers of the fairy world. It was believed that the soul of the deceased took up residence in the flowers of the Thyme plant, and that Thyme assured the passage of the deceased into the afterlife. Thyme is used in Healing Rituals and in Spells for good luck and success. It is said women who wear or carry Thyme are irresistible to men, and carrying sprigs in your pocket aids in developing your psychic abilities.

Burn some Thyme to help boost your courage and confidence when facing challenging situations.

Find out more about Thyme.


Lavender is very cleansing, protective and strengthening. It is used in all positive Magic. I tend to use lavender in most of my Spell casting. A handful of dried lavender is wonderful to throw into a ritual bath too. I also adore lavender tea – it is so calming and stress relieving. Just use half a teaspoon of dried lavender, steep in boiling water for 5 minutes, strain and drink. Very soothing!

Rose Buds

Heavily scented wonderful rose buds are simply divine! Roses have been effectively used throughout the ages in love potions and in Love Spells and have long been associated as the symbol of true love. Use in any Love Spell you want to cast but also rose buds are good for increasing psychic ability, healing and general good luck. They are great to throw into a ritual bath and also to make a wonderful perfumed tea that is said to aid psychic awareness. I combine a couple of rose buds with a little lavender and chamomile to make a soothing tea before I Spell cast.


Chamomile is a wonderful floral herb, most commonly used in a soothing and calming tea. It is also excellent to throw a handful of the dried fragrant flowers into a ritual bath. Magically, chamomile is great to use in Spells that involve drawing good luck and good fortune. It is also used to sharpen the mind and intellect and is therefore good for studying and exam success.


Mint makes the most wonderful tea and is so refreshing. Magically, mint is used in Money Spells and Prosperity Spells. It is also good for gaining confidence, success and the motivation to accomplish.


the herb rosemary

Rosemary was burnt at shrines in Ancient Greece to drive away evil spirits and illnesses. It was believed that a fresh twig beneath your pillow will keep away nightmares, or lay it under your bed for good night’s sleep.

The Ancients were well acquainted with the shrub, which had a reputation for strengthening the memory. On this account it became the emblem of fidelity for lovers. Its magical properties include good luck, purification, protection, love and healing.

Bay Laurel

Ancient Greek mythology relates the tale of the sun god Apollo who pursued the uninterested nymph Daphne. Apollo was relentless until the gods granted her mercy by turning her into a laurel, or bay tree. The Greeks still refer to the tree that bears the bay leaf as Daphne. Apollo's priestess and Oracle of Delphi, is said to have chewed bay leaves as part of the ritual to foresee the future. Magically, bay laurel is used in Spells for increasing psychic ability, for purification and for strength.


Sage is used to purify a Ritual Sacred Space, an Altar or Magical tools. It is often burnt to purify and cleanse any space. It is associated with protection, wishes and prosperity. It is said, that if you want to make your dreams come true, put Sage leaves under your pillow. Sage is used in attraction Spells to bring wealth and prosperity and for wish manifestations. Place near your Tarot cards or Runes to protect and purify them. 


Magically, Basil can be used in all Love Spells but in particular those for binding, ensuring fidelity and gaining commitment. Basil is also great for Money Spells and for use in promoting confidence. Place basil leaves in all corners of your house to aid protection and good luck. 

Other than in the use of Magic I take advantage of what Mother Earth has to offer and use herbs, blossoms and plants at the mundane level.

I am extremely fortunate to have access to a wide variety of fragrant herbs and spices growing wild on the hillsides and mountainsides.

How You Can Use Herbs

Garden full of herbs

For a discussion of herbs and herbal lore, it's important to discuss their uses, not only in Magic, but in general health and wellbeing too.


Drinking herbal tea or infusions offer many health benefits.

Pour boiling water over the herb of your choice in the proportions of one-ounce of herb to one pint of water.

Steep for a minimum of five minutes until brewed. Enjoy!


For external use, a wash is made using a quarter ounce of herb to one pint of boiling water, steeped until cooled to lukewarm.

Washes are generally used for purification, cleansing, etc., but can be used topically to prevent infection to cuts or wounds. Always ensure you select herbs known to be non-toxic.


Place one ounce of herb in one pint of water. Once the water has reached boiling point, reduce heat, cover and simmer for about 30 minutes and leave to cool. Strain and use as needed.


Use oils such as olive, almond, walnut or sesame. Warm one cup of oil and place in saucepan over a low heat. Add one ounce of herbs. Continue warming until the herbs have lost their colour and the oil has soaked up the rich aroma. The herb scented oil may be used much like a salve or ointment.


Place herbs in enough water to cover them and steep. Strain the water and apply the dampened herbs directly to the affected area. This method is used for rashes and other mild skin disorders. You can place the herbs between layers of in gauze or cheesecloth too.


Make an infusion or decoction. Soak a piece of clean cloth or gauze in the liquid. The cloth or gauze is applied directly to the affected area. Keep the compress as hot as can be tolerated. When the compress cools, change it for a new moistened cloth. Do not re use the cloths.


For long-term storage this is the best method of herb preparation. Four ounces of herb steeped in eight ounces of alcohol for two weeks will produce a good tincture. Place herbs into a glass or ceramic bottle or jar. Then pour on 80% proof alcohol over the herbs. I use the Cretan locally produced Raki but any strong white alcohol such as vodka will be 

Store in a dark and warm place and shake the jar gently, twice a day for two weeks. Then strain the tincture through a muslin cloth. Pour the resultant tincture into a dark bottle and keep tightly closed until ready to be used. 

If you want increase your awareness of herbs and herbal lore, you'll benefit from increasing your knowledge of how to grow and nurture the special magical plants in your own Magical Herb Garden. Follow the link below for more details:

Creating a Witches Garden: Unlock the Magic of Nature

Mixed herbs and spices hanging on the wall

Positive energy is very important if you are to live an abundant and prosperous life and build up good karma. A great way to do this is by undertaking some voluntary charity work.   

The NEW Moon is approaching!
Get your New Moon Spell for January 2025

A woman dressed in black casting spells at ther altar

A New Moon Spell That Works

Have a New Moon Spell cast by a real Witch on the upcoming New Moon. A New Moon Spell to manifest whatever you most desire!


Cast on the next New Moon by Alizon, an experienced White Witch and Spell Caster.

Don't miss out on the coming New Moon January 2025.
Your chance to change your destiny:

You may want a New Moon Spell to:

  • Boost your Ancient Magical Chants
  • Attract a new love into your life
  • Begin a fresh start with an ex-lover
  • Success with any new project, enterprise or relationship

  • Commence a new career or business
  • Manifest a new period of abundant wealth and prosperity
  • Bring positive good luck for lottery wins and gambling
  • Or any positive purpose you may have


Ali says
"Hello dear Alizon ☺️ I wish you a happy new year, good health and happiness for the future. I just have to thank you again for the Soulmate spell you performed for me, I finally met a wonderful girl and it's going so wonderfully between us, it can't be described in words, we want to get married next summer 😊 I think I owe it all to your magic. You are such a wonderful personality and a blessing to this world ✨ Light and Love from me"

Liz from the US says
"You cast a spell for me in August 2022 and I want to thank you for your sincere efforts on my behalf. The spell was very successful. I will use your services again. You help many people. Thank you again!"

Christine from Stamford, Connecticut, USA says
"Hi Alizon! Thank you for another GREAT Casino win! after casting me a Money Spell."

Thomas from Muir, Switzerland says
"You cast a Money Spell for me. My turnover increased 70% during the last three months! You helped me in a great way."

Terrence from Sacramento, California USA
"I wanted to thank you for the Money Spell you cast for me. I have seen immediate results and look forward to the continuous positive energy. Blessings to you."

Alexa Aurora, Colorado USA
"Hi! Again, thank you for all your work on the Money Spell. There have been amazing positive energies flowing around my finances already."

Judith from Wrexham, North Wales, UK
"I just wanted to thank you for casting the Full Moon Triple Cast Love Spell from the bottom of my heart. I know the full moon can be powerful but I didn’t expect such great results so soon."

Charles from Smithfield, Queensland, Australia "Thank you so much for the amazing and fantastic extreme success you had in the Return Lover Spell you did. Within 24hrs my ex contacted me and wanted to see me straight away. I could not believe it. It was amazing."

Lynne from Topeka, Kansas, USA
"You cast an Attraction Spell for me. It took several weeks to work, but when it did, it worked like ... well like magic! I have found the most wonderful, perfect, man in the world for me!"

Graham from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
"Just one word – UNBELIEVABLE!!! The reaction I got just days after you cast the Sex Spell was incredible."

Nina from Picton, NSW, Australia
"I just wanted to share with you the best news ever! Your Fertility Spell worked! I’ve waited so long for this to happen and I’m over the moon. Thank you so much Alizon."

Yvette from Singapore
"The Psychic Ability Spell you cast has begun to work. I can sense the connections with spirit much stronger than before. I have been more and more sensitive to other "beings" around me also."

David from Georgia, USA
"Just so you'll know I recently purchased a Reunite Spell from you. It worked!!! It had been two and a half months since I heard from my ex. Less than a week after your spell she reached out to me through Facebook."

Elpo from Middlesex, UK
" Dear Alizon, I don't know how to express my joy to you .... I can only wish all the best in your life and lots of blessings !! The Reunite Spell worked the same day, I am back on track with my lover."

Andrea from South Australia
" Just to let you know that I`ve got the job I wanted with the Prosperity Spell you did. Thank you very much. It is unbelievable."

Tiffany from Sarasota, Florida, USA
" I want to thank you for the Binding Spell you did for me. It brought ******* back to me! So thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!"

Julia from San Diego, USA
"I was so pleased with the Love Spell you cast for me last week! I had results the very next day. Thank you, blessed be."


I would like to thank you SO much again. You are so gifted and I'm lucky to have found you and receive your energy. I had instant results AGAIN with the Money Spell you cast for me!"

Leonora from Ottawa, Canada
"You cast a Fertility Spell for me and I had twins!"

Jessica from Northern Carolina, USA
"I ordered Custom Spell from you over 2 or 3 weeks ago and I would just like to share my success. A lot of things are opening up for me. Multiple job opportunities, I feel great, energized and my ex boyfriend and I are back together. Thanks again for your amazing work."

Cassandra from New South Wales, Australia
"Just to let you know that my lover and I have united and we are now a couple because of the Return Lover Spell you cast for me. And, thank you. We are a very connected pair, consider ourselves soul mates and through your help, are now together."

Louise from Sheffield, United Kingdom
"Everything is perfect with me and ****.The Commitment Spell you cast me he asked me to marry him the very next day! This is the happiest I’ve ever been."

Graham from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
< "Just one word – UNBELIEVABLE!!! The reaction I got just days after you cast the Sex Spell was incredible."

Sharon from Windsor, Pennsylvania USA
"Alizon - I wanted to let you know that there were serious signs of a commitment from ****** from the Commitment Spell you cast right away - the next day. Thank you for what you've done so for, many blessings and love to you."

Angie from Cornwall, UK
" Thank you for the first two spells that you cast for me, a Soul Mate Spell and a Success Spell - they have been very effective."

Richard, Reston, Virginia, USA
"Thank you! You did a Soul Mate Spell for me and within weeks, it quite an unusual way, I met my soulmate! I’ve never been happier."

Gurpreet from Birmingham, United Kingdom
"Hello Alizon, I just wanted to thank you for making my relationship possible! I had no idea that your Attraction Spell would work so fast! I am extremely grateful to you for making my muse into a reality. I can most definitely say I am the happiest girl on the planet right now!"

Shelley from Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada
"I cannot believe how different I am after you cast the Confidence Spell for me. I felt the positive energy straight away and am starting a course in self development. Thank you for guiding me."


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Psychic, tarot and spell casting services cannot be a substitute for professional, legal, medical, financial or psychiatric advice/care, where appropriate.

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