Coven Gathering of the Green Witches Coven
The Coven Gathering of the Green Witches
Coven, often held monthly on the Full Moon, gives like-minded women all over the world the
opportunity to use their collective Power as a force for good on Earth.
The immense power of Collective Thought, exercised by
powerful womankind, can help with healing, helping and raising awareness
of many of the appalling things going on in the world today.
The ethos of the GWC is to fight against harm and violence against
women, children and the vulnerable. We will fight against prejudice,
discrimination, hatred in all its forms, cruelty against humans and
animals, intolerance, bullying, ignorance, greed, and exploitation.
so much pain and injustice in the world, most perpetrated against women
and children and the most vulnerable, many of us despair at our
inability to help and make a difference.
How can we touch the
lives and help the victims of child abuse in a faraway hidden place?
Often, we can’t even identify and help such victims on our own street.
The Coven Gathering takes place every month on the day of the Full Moon.
All Coven members are invited to “attend.” Don’t worry! You don’t need
to leave home. This is a VIRTUAL gathering of all the members of the Green Witches Coven, wherever they are in the World!
How does the Coven Gathering Help?
Giving money to charities can help of course. But it’s hard when we ourselves are struggling during hard times, and there’s always a feeling that such donations don’t get where we want them to go to, or that not every cent gets there.
I know I feel exasperated and helpless, and I’m certain many members of the Coven feel the same too.
This is where the Coven Gathering comes in.
The Power of Collective Thought
I believe that the power of collective thought can make a difference, and even if it’s a little, it will help make the world a better place.
When a Gathering is to take place, and before the Full Moon date, Coven members will be sent details of the cause or issue I feel as being worthy of our collective power, to influence for Good. This is not political. This is not religious. This is something I feel that all good people, whatever their personal circumstances or beliefs, will agree is a cause worth helping.
Also, before the Full Moon Date, I will invite all Coven members to submit their own spiritual intentions, healing wishes and Spell requests.
These are private and personal requests from individual Coven Members and made in the strictest confidence. As such, they are not revealed to other Coven members, or indeed to anyone at all.
These Spell requests will become part of the Ritual, inviting the Universe to grant the wishes of all Coven members.
What the Coven Gathering Involves
The Coven Gathering will involve 3 things: Thoughts, Words and Deeds
Thoughts – you’ll be invited to think about the issue or cause, and to visualize and imagine its resolution. For example, if we are contemplating the plight of young girls who are forced into early marriage against their will and at a young age in some cultures, Coven members should think about their plight, and imagine a time when they are free and happy, and living a good and secure life.
Words – During any time on the day of the Full Moon, all Coven members should say out loud to the Universe their Wish, thus verbalising the Collective Thoughts of all.
This is done simply by repeating 33 times:
“33 times these words we speak
A positive outcome is all we seek
We gather together and call out as one
That our words are heard and our will is done
Hear our plea, so mote it be!”
Imagine the Power of this movement when, throughout the World, thousands of women are verbalising this one collective Wish!
Deeds – This involves the performance of a simple Ritual, involving some simple ingredients. It’s a simple Ritual that won’t take much time, details of which will be sent to all Coven members a day or two before the Full Moon. You will need a candle and some dried herbs
If you like this idea, please get your friends to join in and send them this page. Together, we can change the World!
The Green Witches Coven
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