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Were you born on the cusp? If so, you may have been confused as to which Zodiac Star sign you come under.
Being born born between two distinct Zodiac signs can mean you have feelings of being unfulfilled, unhappy and unable to live life to your fullest potential. If you feel held back, un-grounded and out of place, then you are not alone. Many people who are born on the cusp report feelings of confusion, an other worldliness and not being in harmony with others.
You may feel you were born in the wrong time and prefer a slower pace of life, enjoy nature and have an affinity to animals.
You may feel you have a strong intuition and know what is right and true for you but nevertheless you may inadvertently allow others to take advantage of you. You are very trusting and when you place trust in others you expect them not to betray this trust.
People who are born on the cusp are normally extremely creative and combined with good communication skills can become very successful. Many writers, artists, musicians and actors are born on the cusp.
If you were born on or between these dates you can consider yourself as ‘Born on the Cusp’ and as such a unique personality.
Being born between March 16 – March 25 makes you a Pisces with some Aries energy.
Being born on the cusp of April 16 – April 25 means that you are an Aries with some Taurus energy.
If you were born between May 17 – May 25 makes you a Taurus with some Gemini energy.
Being born between June 15 – June 26 makes you a Gemini with some Cancer energy.
If you were born between July 17 – July 27 makes you a Cancer with some Leo energy.
If you were born between August 18 – August 28 means that you are a Leo with some Virgo energy.
Being born between September 17 – September 27 makes you a Virgo with some Libra energy cusper.
Being born on the cusp of October 17 – October 27 makes you a Libra with some Scorpio energy.
If you were born between November 17 – November 26 means that you are a Scorpio with some Sagittarius energy cupser.
Being born between December 17 – December 25 makes you a Sagittarius with some Capricorn energy.
Being born on the cusp of January 14 – January 25 makes you a Capricorn with some Aquarius energy.
If you were born between February 14 – February 24 means that you are an Aquarius with some Pisces energy cusper.
Do you feel confused, mystified and perplexed? Are you uncertain where your personality characteristics come from, uncertain about what feelings, emotions and thought patterns you are experiencing.
Are you feeling you are at a continual crossroads in your life?
Do you find yourself feeling trapped by situations, circumstances or people?
Are you unsure on what your life purpose is?
Do you experience difficult and challenging relationships over and over again?
Are you finding it difficult to know which direction to go in?
Do you feel you are being held back by difficult circumstances?
Are you investing too much time, energy and money into the wrong projects and people?
The timing of your birth can make you unsure where your personality characteristics came from and gives uncertainty about what feelings, emotions and thought patterns you are experiencing.
So being born between 2 signs can have its challenges and this is where having a Spell cast specifically for those born between Zodiac signs comes in.
By using the precise correspondences, energies and elements relating to both Zodiac signs I can thrice cast a powerful Spell to get amazing results.
If you were born on the cusp between two star signs then this Cusp
Spell is perfect for you. It is particularly beneficial for increasing
your confidence and self esteem, which in turn can lead to career or
business success.
Take Lorna from NSW, Australia for example.Lorna was born between Leo and Virgo and wanted a career change from her job as an accountant to becoming a jewellery designer. I cast Lorna a cusp Spell and a little while after the Spell casting Lorna had her own lucrative online jewellery business.
It is also very
powerful if you want to increase your psychic abilities, so that your
instincts and intuition can become stronger and more accurate. You will
be able to trust your intuition more and go with your instincts in
decision making. And making the right decisions and choices in life is a
valuable gift.
Having a Cusp Spell cast for an increase in
sexual attraction, abundant wealth and great success can also mean the
difference between just existing or living a full, satisfying and happy
Cast within 24 hours by Alizon, an experienced White Witch and Spell Caster.
A Unique Born on the Cusp Spell Ritual to promote protection and success in your life.
From $50
Click Here
to send me your details
I will need your full name and date of birth
Within 24 hours I will email you with confirmation and more details
When purchasing this service from me you are assumed to have read my Terms and Conditions
In all my Cusp Spells, alongside the usual ingredients I use in my Spell casting rituals, I use specially blended essential oils to anoint candles with and two corresponding Tarot cards are placed upon my altar to symbolize the two distinct 2 Zodiac signs.
Your Spell will be cast in love and light, with harm to none and abiding by the Law of Attraction. It cannot backfire and does not bend the will of anyone.
The moment I cast a Spell for you it immediately begins working on your request!
Mental health is so important to wellbeing and can be difficult to identify and treat. NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
MIND is the UK equivalent.
Have a New Moon Spell cast by a real Witch on the upcoming New Moon. A New Moon Spell to manifest whatever you most desire!
Cast on the next New Moon by Alizon, an experienced White Witch and Spell Caster.
You may want a New Moon Spell to:
111 Ritual
222 Ritual
Attraction Spells
Love Spells
Money Spells
All Spells
Full Moon Spells
New Moon Spells
Sex Spells
Reunite Spells
Weight Loss Spells
Protection Spells
Commitment Spell
Complex Love
Soul Mate Spells
Success Spells
Fame & Fortune
Custom Spells
Ultimate Spell
The Ultimate Sacred Balance Spell
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The law requires me to state that the contents of this website are for entertainment purposes only.
Psychic, tarot and spell casting services cannot be a substitute for professional, legal, medical, financial or psychiatric advice/care, where appropriate.
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