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Here are the 7 Secrets to Attract a Soul Mate.
Soul Mate Searching is a preoccupation of romantics throughout the world and since the beginning of dreams and hope in the world.
Many people believe that there is someone out there who is their soul mate. They believe that fate will bring them together. But I believe that there are things you can do to helps things along.
During this journey, you will be actively soul mate searching, and then, having found someone who fits the bill, you'll need to make sure that they are the one. If not, don't feel the need to compromise,to settle, or make do.
If you are serious about finding your soul mate, never give up until you find them.
Here are my 7 Secrets to attract your Soul Mate.
Before you can expect to attract a soul mate who will love you, find you attractive, fascinating, amusing and want to share their life with you, you need to love yourself. This is an essential element of successful soul mate searching.
By being the "best you" you can be, will automatically make you feel good about yourself. And this will shine through to potential soul mates.
Get physically fit, eat well, exercise each day and become the healthy shape and weight for your size and frame. By doing this and cutting out junk food, your body, your hair, skin and nails will be in the best condition. You will physically look good and consequently feel good too.
Dress only in clothes that flatter you. Think less about what is the latest fashion and more about your body shape and your colouring.
Low slung cerise coloured hipsters may be all the fashion – but do they really flatter you?
Have a wardrobe make-over and ask friends for their critical comments and advice. If you look good – you'll feel good!
Take an interesting evening class. Perhaps something you are really interested in but haven't got round to doing. Art appreciation, learning French or creative writing and many more classes you can take up prove you are willing to learn, are interesting and have many strings to your bow. This will stretch your talents and skills and make you proud of yourself and your achievements. This, again will make you feel good about yourself.
Volunteer your time and energy to good causes. Charitable work and helping others is so rewarding and defiantly give you a "feel good factor". And again, if you feel good about yourself this shines through to others.
You never know, where you volunteer could be the place you meet your Soul Mate - as if by Fate!
Searching for a soul mate is easier than you think. Many people make the mistake of wishing, hoping and believing their true soul mate will mysteriously come looking for them. But this is not the case. If you are serious about finding a true soul mate then you need to begin actively searching.
Take every opportunity to mix, mingle and socialize with a wide range of people in person. The Internet now provides some new and interesting opportunities to meet new people, although it does have its drawbacks, and even some danger if you are not careful.
Nothing beats meeting actual people in person, and making a soul mate connection can only be confirmed by getting to know someone through all your senses - including touch and smell!
If you've already begun your evening classes and your charity work, then you're off to a good start, as you will be meeting like-minded fascinating people and a soul mate could be amongst them.
The full ranges of our senses need to be used in assessing whether a potential lover is indeed a true soul mate.
First comes the sense of sight. A soul mate will look good to you, with no need to change their appearance whatsoever. They will sound good, they will feel good and they will smell and taste good. This is why internet dating is a great way to meet people and explore possibilities and opportunities, but falls short of confirming a true soul mate.
you can see and hear them but you cannot feel them, smell or taste
them. Only by close physical contact of hugging and kissing can you
detect their touch, taste and smell. This is similar to an animal
instinct of smelling out a perfect mate.
If you feel
exhilarated and sexually excited when you kiss a lover then you are on
the right track. If, on the other hand, their kiss leaves you cold -
it's time to walk away.
When you get to the stage where you feel you are in love and you have met your soul mate at long last, how can you be sure that they are the one?
Sensitivity and empathy are good guides for you in helping you to determine whether they are a soul mate for you.
You can judge how your lover will treat you in the future by how well they treat their mother, other family members and their friends. If they are sensitive to birthdays, anniversaries and the needs of others then you can expect the same level of sensitivity from them.
If they are estranged from their family, speak ill of their friends or are constantly finding excuses to get out of family commitments or let down friends, then expect the same insensitivity.
Being in love in the first few months of any relationship is almost a form of mental illness. You feel exhilarated, are on a constant high, your heart races, you have butterflies, you would do anything to please your lover and feel they absolutely are "the one". You are not in your "right mind". Both you and your lover are on your best behaviour and any flaws are ignored or papered over. You are walking on sunshine with little stars floating around your head!
All your soul mate searching could be in vain if you fail to abide by the 6 Month Rule.
Unfortunately this "crazy love" or infatuation wears off after three – six months.
Judgment is impaired during this crazy period of infatuation. So it is vitally important not to do anything drastic during the first six months of any relationship.
Do not marry, move in with, move to the other side of the world with, buy a house together or worse of all - become pregnant.
Wait until a full six months have elapsed before making any life changing decisions. If you ignore the six month rule, you may live to regret it!
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After six months have passed you will once again be in your right mind and know if what you have together is true love that will last a lifetime or was just fun while it lasted.
Sex with a soul mate is fantastic!
After initial fumbling, uncertainty and some possible embarrassment, sex with your soul mate should soon develop to being natural, spontaneous, unselfish, fulfilling and constantly exciting and passionate. It's not about technique or sexual experience, but rather how you both seem to instantly match each other with your desires and needs.
Any mismatch will lead to trouble and proves that your lover is not in fact a soul mate for you.
It's important to give it time and practise though. Even soul mates need time to fit and adapt to the needs of each other in the bedroom.
I am a Spell Caster, and so I firmly believe in the power of Magic to enhance and facilitate anyone's search for their soul mate!
If you have tried everything within your power to attract a soul mate and are still left lonely, then it might be time to consider a Magic Spell. There's lots of Love Spells or Attract a Soul Mate Spells you can either try yourself at home or ask a professional Spell Caster or Witch to cast for you.
There is absolutely no need to be lonely and without experiencing the true and special love that only soul mates share.
I always try to encourage people who invoke the Power of the Universe to offer themselves to charitable purposes. Try to do good in everything you do. This does not mean giving money, but any form of charitable work will help.
Have a New Moon Spell cast by a real Witch on the upcoming New Moon. A New Moon Spell to manifest whatever you most desire!
Cast on the next New Moon by Alizon, an experienced White Witch and Spell Caster.
You may want a New Moon Spell to:
111 Ritual
222 Ritual
Attraction Spells
Love Spells
Money Spells
All Spells
Full Moon Spells
New Moon Spells
Sex Spells
Reunite Spells
Weight Loss Spells
Protection Spells
Commitment Spell
Complex Love
Soul Mate Spells
Success Spells
Fame & Fortune
Custom Spells
Ultimate Spell
The Ultimate Sacred Balance Spell
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