Expert Tarot Card Readings

Are you seeking Expert Tarot Card Readings for clarity, guidance, and insights about your career, love life, or personal growth?

Delve into the wisdom of the Tarot with a personalized reading tailored specifically to your needs and desires

Unveil the Truth Behind the Cards with Expert Tarot Card Readings

Tarot Cards

Every aspect of your life is waiting to be unraveled and revealed through the ancient art of tarot reading. My intuitive abilities, paired with my deep understanding of the Tarot, will provide you with the guidance and support you need to navigate through life's challenges and uncertainties.

Allow me to be your guiding light as you explore the mysteries that lie ahead.

Why Choose me for Your Tarot Reading?

With over 40 years of experience as a psychic and spellcaster, I have honed my skills and insights, offering unparalleled accuracy in my readings. My compassionate, empathetic approach ensures a comfortable and empowering experience, providing you with the wisdom and confidence to make informed decisions and take control of your life.

What to Expect from Your Personalized Tarot Reading

Your Tarot reading with me will include:

  • A comprehensive, in-depth analysis of your current situation
  • Insights into the underlying energies and influences affecting your life
  • Guidance on how to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals
  • Detailed predictions and actionable advice for your future
  • A compassionate, supportive, and judgment-free space

Take the First Step Towards a Brighter Future

Don't let uncertainty and doubt hold you back any longer. At only $50 for possibly life changing insights into your current and future life Path, you have little to lose, only benefits.

Embrace the transformative power of a personalized Tarot reading by me and gain the clarity, direction, and confidence you need to live your best life.

Tap/Click the button below to order your reading today and begin your journey towards a more empowered, fulfilled, and enlightened future.

Click/Tap the Buy Now button to Order Your Tarot Reading

Tarot Reading by Alizon
Only $50

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Notes for completing the Form:

Full name:
Knowing this helps me connect with your energy and personalize the reading.

Date of Birth:
This gives insights into your astrological sign, which can provide additional context for the reading.

E-Mail Address:
I'll send your tarot Reading to your given E-Mail address (please check carefully!)

Specific question or topic of concern:
If you have a specific question or area of your life you would like the tarot reading to focus on helps me tailor the reading to your needs and provides more accurate guidance.

Background information (if relevant):
Only if you are comfortable. This could include details about your relationships, career, or other life circumstances.

Consent and confidentiality:
This clarifies that all information shared during the reading will remain confidential and that you are open to receiving guidance from the Tarot cards.

What are Tarot Readings?


"Alizon's reading was incredibly accurate and insightful! I feel so much more confident about my future now." - Sarah J., Boston, MA, USA

"I was amazed by how spot-on Alizon's reading was. She truly has a gift!" - David L., Sydney, NSW, Australia

"Thanks to Alizon, I have a clearer understanding of my life's purpose. Her reading was life-changing!" - Maria P., London, England

"Alizon's Tarot reading gave me the guidance I needed to make important decisions in my life. I can't thank her enough!" - John S., Toronto, ON, Canada

"I was skeptical about Tarot readings, but Alizon's reading was incredibly accurate and insightful. Highly recommended!" - Stephanie R., Austin, TX, USA

"Alizon's reading helped me navigate a difficult time in my life. Her guidance and support were invaluable." - Priya K., Mumbai, India

"I am so grateful for Alizon's Tarot reading. She provided me with clarity and direction during a challenging period." - Mark H., Wellington, New Zealand

"Alizon's Tarot reading provided me with the clarity and direction I needed during a difficult time in my life." - Emily V., Los Angeles, CA, USA

"Alizon's reading helped me navigate a challenging period in my life. Her guidance and support were invaluable." - Karen W., Edinburgh, Scotland

"Thanks to Alizon's reading, I have a clearer understanding of my life's purpose. Her guidance was life-changing!" - Sandra T., Stockholm, Sweden

"Alizon's Tarot reading helped me make important decisions in my life. Her insight and support were invaluable." - Daniel F., Chicago, IL, USA

Tarot Readings are a way of getting answers to questions and for general divination. A Psychic Reading using the Tarot as a divination tool can help clarify decisions you need to make or point you in the right direction on your life journey.

Tarot Readings have been used for centuries as a way to foretell futures and to guide people to live their lives in a positive and fulfilling way. The Tarot cards are a trusted source of divination and revelation.

I keep my advice focused and down-to-earth and from your Psychic energy I sense from you, I draw on spiritual resources to give you the unique practical guidance you need in a straightforward manner. I do not brag about how ‘brilliant’ I am but would like to have the chance to show you how I can help you.

How I Conduct My Tarot Readings

Because I take my work seriously and want you to have the very best experience possible from one of my Readings, I use cards selected from the whole Tarot Deck of 78 Cards.

Along with the five fin-depth and detailed Major Arcana cards I use in your Reading, I use Numerology and my Psychic connection to you to enhance your experience.

The Tarot coupled with Numerological aspects brings a special kind of energy to a Psychic Reading. It is fluid, free flowing and magical.

The Tarot cards I use for the expert tarot card readings I am offering you are the very traditional and inspiring Ryder Waite Deck.

A Tarot Reading can show you where you are, where you’ve come from, where you want to be and how you could get there. With the insight gained through a Reading using the Tarot, you will be better equipped to make decisions and take action that is in line with your best interests, growth and development.

tarot reading

I believe I'm able to offer good, sound psychic, clairvoyant advice. I have helped many thousands of people over the years and treated every one of them with sensitivity, confidentiality and above all compassion. I know I can help you in the same way.

My Tarot Readings are personal and confidential and are performed with sensitivity and care by myself. I will focus on my Psychic connection to you and the Tarot to give you the best possible experience.

At this time I offer only email Psychic Tarot Readings
I do not conduct telephone Readings or live message Readings

A Brief History of Expert Tarot Card Readings

Tarot Cards Deck

Tarot cards have been used as a tool for divination, guidance, and introspection for centuries. The origins of Tarot cards can be traced back to the late 14th century, when they first appeared in Europe as playing cards. It wasn't until the 18th century, however, that tarot cards began to be used for their current purpose: divination and self-exploration.

The earliest known Tarot decks were created in Italy, most notably the Visconti-Sforza deck commissioned by the Duke of Milan, Filippo Maria Visconti, around 1440. These early decks consisted of 78 cards, divided into the Major and Minor Arcana, which are still the basis of modern Tarot decks today.

In the 18th century, French occultist Jean-Baptiste Alliette, also known as Etteilla, was the first to popularize the use of Tarot cards for divination. He developed a system for interpreting the cards, which laid the foundation for modern Tarot card readings. Etteilla's work inspired other prominent occultists, such as Antoine Court de Gébelin and Eliphas Lévi, who further developed and refined the art of Tarot reading.

By the late 19th and early 20th centuries, tarot card readings had gained widespread popularity, with the creation of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck in 1909 (the deck I use) marking a significant milestone in the history of Tarot. Designed by Arthur Edward Waite and illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith, this deck incorporated rich symbolism and imagery, making it more accessible and easier to interpret for both novice and expert readers alike.

In the years that followed, Tarot card readings continued to evolve, with the influence of various esoteric and spiritual traditions shaping the interpretation and symbolism of the cards. The works of notable Tarot scholars, such as Aleister Crowley and A. E. Thierens, contributed to the growing body of knowledge surrounding Tarot card readings.

Today, Tarot card readings are practiced by professional readers and enthusiasts alike, offering insights into one's past, present, and future, as well as a means of self-reflection and personal growth. The art of Tarot has come a long way from its humble beginnings as a simple card game, transforming into a powerful tool for spiritual exploration and personal development.

Positive energy is very important if you are to live an abundant and prosperous life and build up good karma. A great way to do this is by undertaking some voluntary charity work.