Green Witches Coven News: Edition April 05, 2020
Merry Meet!
I hope everyone is keeping safe and doing their best to follow the advice given by trusted professionals to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. We are all in this together and we must all play our part in supporting our community. Staying at home as much as possible, thus helping to prevent the spread of the virus, will help the medical professionals and vulnerable people.
Always remember: Members of the Green Witches Coven are supported and protected by Powerful Energy. The Energy of the Coven!
This Time…
For signposts to all things related to the Green Witches Coven please visit and bookmark the COVEN PORTAL
Your Password is COVEN77
It's important to remain calm for our own mental health and for the health and well-being of those around us. To this end, I have prepared some resources to help people reduce stress.
Click/Tap HERE to access my reduce stress page.
Join me and my worldwide online Coven of Witches – The Green Witches Coven, in a Ritual against the spread of Covid-19 to be conducted with the power of the forthcoming Super Moon April 7/8 2020.
We ask for healing of those affected and protection for all others.
We are in the midst of an unprecedented situation the like of which most of us have never experienced. It's a very stressful time worrying about our health and the health of our loved ones and those who are elderly or otherwise vulnerable.
Now more than ever we need to garner positive energy to help us fight the fear, worry and energy sapping apprehension of the unknown future.
I'm urging all my Coven members, and indeed everyone, to come together with the Power of Collective Thought, to energise the people against this insidious and worrying threat to our health, the health of our loved ones, and health of our neighbours, colleagues and fellow human beings. We are all in this together.
The Power of Collective thought, through the Coven and beyond, can help the world face this event with renewed energy and strength.
This extraordinary Green Witches Coven Virtual Gathering invites everyone, whether a Coven member or not.
Luckily, we have a very powerful Super Moon coming soon on 7 April 2020 or in some parts of the world, 8 April.
If you are taking part please take some time to consider the subject of this Special Coven Gathering: The Coronavirus.
That we, in connection with this, the Witches of the Green Witches Coven and everyone, do Banish all fear, all prejudice, all ignorance, and all unreasonable apprehension; and do endow all concerned with the Power to Resist, to Know, to Learn and to Teach.
…and follow this Ritual:
The time of the Full Moon is a period of powerful lunar energy, which is an extremely positive energy. This is a perfect time for casting powerful Protection Spells or taking part in Rituals for protection and healing. And when it is a SUPER MOON, the Magic power is enhanced.
During the specified Super Moon period repeat the following words 33 times. If you are able to say the words loudly then do so. If circumstances prevent you from speaking aloud, then repeat the words silently.
"33 times these words we speak
A positive outcome is all we seek
We gather together and call out as one
That our words are heard and our will is done
Hear our plea, so mote it be!"
You can repeat these words daily until the Corona Virus is no longer is a threat to us, our way of life and our planet.
Now is a good opportunity to direct attention to Step 8 of the Coven Course…
Meditation especially, can help you to develop calm and focussed thought in a time of fear and uncertainty:
Meditations and Affirmations Step 8
It's April.
The Coven Seed Moon Page relevant to this time states:
"April – The Seed Moon is also known as the Growing Moon in Celtic traditions or the Egg Moon in Thomas's Old Farmer’s Almanac.
Throughout this period the focus is placed upon practical matters concerning material wealth and ways of earning a living.
With feet firmly on the ground this earth influenced Moon allows a sense of realistic and achievable goal setting and goal achieving, utilising all your gifts, talents and skills."
Because of these challenging times, it also becomes the time to reflect the ways we earn a living. For many, having to adapt to working from home may bring a realisation that this is the future. No more travelling to the office, clogging up the highways and polluting the atmosphere. Working from home might become the new normal where it is a practical alternative.
For most though, working from home is not an option. Now is the time to realise the value and importance of those working in factories, fields, hospitals, community care, transport and delivery and many other areas.
Maybe it's an opportunity too, for people to re-evaluate their career, and look for opportunities to work from home, building a profitable online business.
This is the time of the Seed Moon, where real seeds are planted, and also where the seed of an idea can start to grow.
Click/Tap HERE to go to the Seed Moon!
Always remember: Members of the Green Witches Coven are supported and protected by Powerful Energy. The Energy of the Coven!
Details of our next Gathering will be with you soon…
Stay Strong. Stay Safe.
Blessings to All!
High Priestess
Green Witches Coven
111 Ritual
222 Ritual
Attraction Spells
Love Spells
Money Spells
All Spells
Full Moon Spells
New Moon Spells
Sex Spells
Reunite Spells
Weight Loss Spells
Protection Spells
Commitment Spell
Complex Love
Soul Mate Spells
Success Spells
Fame & Fortune
Custom Spells
Ultimate Spell
The Ultimate Sacred Balance Spell
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