Green Witches Coven News: Edition Mar 02, 2020
Merry Meet!
This Time…
- The Coven Portal
- Chaste Moon
- Being a Witch
- Your Altar
- The next Gathering
For signposts to all things related to the Green Witches Coven please visit and bookmark the COVEN PORTAL
(If you click/tap on the Deeper Portal though, It might not be ready for you yet!)
Your Password is COVEN77
Click/tap HERE to go to the Chaste Moon page and learn about this event.
March brings Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and the Spring Equinox on the 21st. Walks in Nature are encouraged (weather permitting!), and this is the time to Cast a Spell for Health, Wealth and Happiness.
Details on how to Cast this Spell can be found on the Chaste Moon page.
Traditionally it takes a year and a day to become a Witch under the guidance and tutelage of an experienced Witch.
Having taken that first step you will need to constantly consider your motivations for wanting to become a Witch. Do you want to live a magical life, respecting and honouring nature? Do you want to learn all about the elements, the power of crystals, the medicinal and magical properties of herbs and plants? Do you want to learn how to harness the power of the moon and its different phases and celebrate and respect the seasons of the year? Do you want to learn the art of divination and the ability to spell cast effectively? Or do you want to turn your enemies into toads?
The TV series Charmed, the Harry Potter books and the cast of the musical show Wicked bear little resemblance to the ways a real Witch conducts her life.
A real Witch uses the power of nature and all the gifts that Mother Nature bestows to achieve the life they want to live – with harm to none.
This first principle of 'harm to none' must be at the forefront of the mind of apprentice Witches. This is the most important rule to live by for Witches. To make the commitment to become a Witch means you are prepared to put in the time, effort and energy to learn as much as you can. To "practice" the Craft means just that – you need to practice. This means every aspect of your daily life will need to be focused on harming nothing and no one and learning as much as you can about Nature. Learning all you can is so vitally important so that you can gain knowledge. Knowledge is power and power can be used by you to enhance every aspect of yourself and how you live your life.
If you haven't already, make sure you spend some time between now and the Full Moon on 9th March, getting familiar with the WITCHES CREED.
The quicker you can organise a suitable Altar, the sooner you can create the Sacred Space for Spell Casting. Follow my tips on organising your Altar with some essential Altar items.
CLICK/TAP HERE to study the Altar Step.
This month, on the day of the Full Moon (9th March), The Gathering will come together to bring peace comfort and hope to all those affected throughout the world by the threat of the Coronavirus.
I ask all Coven Member to spend some time in the coming days to think about the Power of the gathering to help ward off the pain, fear, prejudice and ignorance surrounding this virus. I ask that all Members educate themselves using reliable scientific sources, and not be swayed by malicious fear mongering and victimisation.
In the words of António Guterres, Secretary General of the UN:
"...the greatest enemy right now is not the virus. It is fear, rumours and stigma"
Always remember: Members of the Green Witches Coven are supported and protected by Powerful Energy. The Energy of the Coven!
- FREE Spell Draw – keep alert to my monthly Draw to have cast a FREE Triple Cast Full Moon Spell!
- FULL MOON coming on the 9th March. Full Gathering info soon.
…and more.
Blessings to All!
High Priestess
Green Witches Coven
111 Ritual
222 Ritual
Attraction Spells
Love Spells
Money Spells
All Spells
Full Moon Spells
New Moon Spells
Sex Spells
Reunite Spells
Weight Loss Spells
Protection Spells
Commitment Spell
Complex Love
Soul Mate Spells
Success Spells
Fame & Fortune
Custom Spells
Ultimate Spell
The Ultimate Sacred Balance Spell
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Psychic, tarot and spell casting services cannot be a substitute for professional, legal, medical, financial or psychiatric advice/care, where appropriate.
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